Godric Hallow oneshot

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UPDATE: This was originally a story about Ginny telling Harry about being pregnant then I decided that was too weird so I changed it. That's a run on.
So if see comments about pregnancy then that's why.

Harry and Ginny went to the graveyard Lily and James were buried. They walked passed many gravestones and Harry wondered "How many of these people had someone who would miss them? Did they had died for someone they loved? How many children, grandparents, fathers, mothers, aunts, uncles, and countless others where buried alongside each other here."
Ginny sensing Harry's upcoming angst, slid her hand into Harry's and squeezed it tight. Harry looked at her and gave her a half hearted smile.
They continued down the lines of headstones until they found them. Placed right by each other they read:

Lily Potter & James Potter
Oct. 31, 1981

Harry placed white Lilies on their graves. A tear fell from Harry's eye followed by 10 more. Ginny hugged Harry. His burrowed on her shoulder as he silently cried. Ginny whispered into Harry's ear "It's okay, Harry." Harry silently cried into Ginny shoulder.

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