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 Leave a Question for Severus Snape to answer.

Regulus did you ever receive a hug from Voldemort? How did you feel when Voldemort hugged Draco?

Regulus: *Shudders* Yes I did and it was squishy and slimy. I felt grossed out

Did you ever own any pets?

Regulus: No but this big wolfish black dog followed me everywhere.

What is your Patronus? 

Regulus: *Sighs* *Looks at writer* "Do I have to answer this?" 



Mirror of Erised?

Regulus: Me and Sirius being brought up differently and us getting along, maybe me living, or maybe me doing anything but this."

Did you have a crush on James?

Regulus: "WHATTTTTT? NOOO!" *Blushes*

"Can I come out now?" James asks from inside the closet. "SHHH! ANd no." *Smiles innocently*

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