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This will probably make you cry.

Imagine Petunia in her room isolated away from her sister. Her parents making room for Lily's witch awards chunking and relocating Petunias straight A awards and prized drawings. "You don't need to put hang his one up again, dear, you already have one from each year." Petunia's mother took down her student of the year award. An award that she tried so hard to get to please them. Imagine living in your sisters shadow. Imagine watching Lily be everything she ever wanted. All this bitterness building up in her heart. Her writing to Dumbledore begging him to let her in even though she's not a witch. Sneaking Lily's wizard books and staying up all night reading them under the covers with a flashlight. Petunia Evans was Lily's shadow, barely noticed.

Imagine Peter in his apartment crying his eyeballs out think over and over what have I done. I've become a monster. He threatened to kill my parents and my little sister. It was them for their safety. It shouldn't have ended this way still. I've became a monster and what did I gain from it. Peter sobbing and punching the wall in frustration. Thinking of all the memories. All the times they were there to protect them and this is how he repays them. I killed my best friends. Me. His child, parent less because of me. I was suppose to be brave not cowardly. I was suppose to have died for my friends. I have to stay alive make it up to everyone somehow. I can't die or he'll kill them anyway.

Imagine Draco in the boys bathroom with moaning myrtle. Red eyes from crying. He couldn't take it anymore he couldn't be a monster like the rest of his family. He had strived to be better. His parents didn't want this for him. He didn't want this for him. He didn't want to kill.

Imagine Snape finding out the love of his life his dead. The fact he never told her how he felt. He messed it all up in one harsh word. 'Mudblood'. His actions making him a monster. What did that get him. Nothing but pain.

Imagine petunia learning her sister is dead. Vernon is downstairs with Dudley watching tv while Petunia is upstairs bawling. Think of all the time she should have spent with her sister. The pain she ignored in Lily's eyes after her 5th year. She should had been with her sister. Jealously was her monster.

Imagine andromeda losing her husband and daughter. The man she loved murdered because of the blood pulsing through his veins something he couldn't control, something he couldn't change. Her daughter just married and had a son. Gone in the flash of an eye. Murdered by her family. Targeted because of who she loved.

Remus attending his best friends funerals alone sitting in the freshly dug up dirt beside their graves longing to hear there voices. Trying hard not to love anyone because once he has it it's gone. Remus coming back every halloween with news of his life. Chatting to them like old friends.

Neville seeing his parents. Them not knowing their own son. The 'who are you?' hitting him hard in the heart. They didn't know who there son was because they fought for something they believed in.

Dumbledore. They always said the ones who are the most broken inside are the ones who bring the most joy. His best friend, his brother, or him killed his sister. Having to defeat the one person he loved because the greater good was best left the way it was.

Hermione placing a memory erasing charm in her parents. Them not knowing that they EVER had a daughter.

Ron having to deal with being teased for being poor.

Regulus. That's all I have to say. Regulus black crying in the bathroom because he doesn't want to do it anymore knowing he was to die. Not being allowed to speak to his brother. Being teased by other Slytherins because Sirius was a blood traitor and a gryffindor. Regulus branching so out far from his role model, his brother.

The real monster are not in fairy tales or under the bed. They are created by other people and they live inside of us. They are what makes us part human in the inside. Wether it's jealousy, love, doing the right thing, peer pressure, losing someone you love, insecurity, or trying to please someone else. To put it in Sirius's words: We've all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That's who we really are."

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