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The kitchen around her melted and froze at the same time. The pieces oozed together until the picture of a cobblestone road surrounded by jumbled leaning medieval style buildings. Diagon Alley. Her mother had only ever talked about it. She had never actually been to it in person, until now at least.
Near the end of the road was a white building gleaming in the morning light. Gringotts, her mother told her. Her mother seemed tired, very tired. She wasn't used to using such big spell, and when she did it didn't take long to tire her.

Her mother tugged on Marcella's arm and chuckled at her daughter's awe. She was staring at the buildings. The buildings were styled in a late renaissance fashion.  It seemed that it was a possibility that her mother transported them through time. She might have believed it if it wasn't for the blue haired wizard playing flappy bird on a iphone 6 next to her.

Together they walked the steps of the multistoried snow white bank. On the beside the bronze doors was a small wrinkled man with a very large nose, a goblin, dressed in a uniform of scarlet and gold. The doors lead to a small entrance and another set of doors that read: "Enter, stranger, but take heed, Of what awaits the sin of greed, For those who take, but do not earn, Must pay most dearly in their turn. So if you seek beneath our floors, A treasure that was never yours, Thief, you have been warned, beware, Of finding more than treasure there." This door too was flanked with goblins.

Inside the door was a large marble hall with long counters accompanied by goblins at each one. Marcella sat down in one of the chairs in the lounge area asher mother went up to one of the counter. She returned a few minutes later with a goblin and a fancy gold key.

Together they followed the goblin through another set of doors and into a cavern. The three of them got into a cart. Marcella raised her eyebrows at her mother. Her mother smiled as the cart jerked forward. The cart raced down the wooden tracks. The cart twisted right and left and finally stopped at at vault 701.

The goblin hopped out of the cart onto a ledge in front of the door of the vault. My mother got out of the cart and handed they key to the goblin. Marcella's mother turned to her and reached her hand out for Marcella. Marcella took her mother's hand and was lifted out of the cart and onto the ledge. The goblin opened the vault and handed Mrs. Black the key back.

The vault was full of stacks of Galleons, Sickles, and Knuts. The vault was also littered with other knicknacks of value. The vaults were basically bank vaults/storage units. Marcella's family wasn't well off, but looking at this vault made Marcella wonder what else her parents weren't completely honest about. Imagine the big pile of leaves you can think of that's reasonable, and then imagine they're coins and multiply the size of the pile of leaves by ten. That would be the size of the stacks.

Once Marcella and her mother left the bank they walked down Diagon Alley. "My wand isn't powerful enough for an actual witch. You're going to need a new one. One just for you." Her mother said smiling at her. When her mother smiled, the atmosphere around her calmed and Marcella relaxed a little and took a breath she hadn't known she was keeping in. The wizarding world was overwhelming and new. She smiled back at her mother, and they walked through the doors of a store called Ollivanders.

A witch with short purple hair in her early twenties appeared behind a bookshelf filled with small slender boxes. Her mother sneezed. The store was filled with dust and bookshelves that rocket to the ceiling. Each one filled with a dozen untidy stacks of wands.

"Oh, hello I didn't see you come in. I heard you though." The witch smiled at Marcella and her mother. She was wearing a Fall Out Boy shirt and she had a nose piercing on her right nostril. "I'm taking the store over for my grandfather, who has decided to retire. He says the wand industry was a lovely business, but oddly enough a messy one." Marcella laughed. "Everyone he meets he recites their wand and the year they bought it from him. He may be older than the dust lining these shelves, but he most certainly hasn't lost his memory." Marcella's mom chuckled along with the girl.

She moved closer to Marcella and seemed to peer into her soul with silvery eyes. "Right or left handed?" She asked Marcella. "Left," one of her unusual features. "Hold out your arm, please." She pulled a measuring tape from around her neck and measured Marcella from shoulder to finger, knee to armpit, and around her head.

The girl took a long look at her and disappeared into the labyrinth of shelves. She came back with a white box. She opened it. A white wand sat in blue velvet padding. "Aspen and White River Monster spine. 10 inches. Nice and flexible. Try it out."

A drift of cold air traveled up her arm. As soon as she touched the wand, a blue light filled the store. She could feel the wands power coil through her. It tracked up her bloodstream to her heart and pumped out through her fingertips into the wand as if it was a part of her.

When the light died down she looked around the store. Every box that had been cluttered around the store had been neatly stacked and arranged back on the shelves. Also, every speck of dust that coated everything seconds ago was gone. 'Great, I touch one wand and I clean everything in sight.' I thought.

Her mother was stunned, but the shopkeeper seemed almost bored or slightly amused. "My grandfather always said I had an eye for what wand belonged to who. The Once-ler is his nickname for me." The purple haired girl must be crazy. It seemed as if she hadn't seen the force erupt out of her wand once she touched laid her fingers over it. A squib she was once believed. She belonged to a family of squibs. Wherever this power was coming from it was raging force.

Her mother paid for the wand with 7 galleons and exited the shop with Marcella in tow, the wand in its box inside her mother's purse. She no doubly wanted to keep it there for the better interest of everyone. "Now I know what happened to all the magic." Her mother remarked, although she did not smile. "All of it seems went to you." Her mother studied over her. Worry in her eyes, although Marcella had no idea why. Instead of asking she laughed at her mother's remark. "I guess so," she laughed. Evelyn did not laugh along with her daughter.

After they picked up the books and shoved them inside Marcella's Mother's purse they went to the robe shop.

"The sizes are a little funny, but I think this one should fit." Her mother handed her a pair of black robes. Marcella's small frame was slender and boyish. She resembled a stubby tree branch. She walked to the back to the changing stalls.

She walked in front of the aisle and curly dark haired boy crashes into her. Her robe flew into his mess of hair. Marcella frowned. "You should really watch were you're going." He said. "You might kill someone." Marcella was flabbergasted. Who was this arrogant boy talking to? She stared into his dark brown eyes and blinked. "Excuse me?" She said.
"You almost killed me." He laughed like it was the most ridiculous thing he ever heard.

A older boy with flamboyant blue hair appeared behind the boy. "James, you can't run off like that." The new boy looked down at the former and frowned. "Why is there a robe in the mop you call hair?" He asked the boy who frowned at his remark. I would had laughed if I hadn't been so bewildered. "Ha ha very funny. Ask her." He said motioning to her with a tilt of his head.

"He ran into me." I said nonchalantly. He boy sighed. He picked up the robe off of the younger boys head and handed it to her. "I'm terribly sorry about James. He's been quite rambunctious today. I'm Teddy Lupin and that's James, my -my"

"Brother," James butted in.

Teddy rolled his eyes.

"Of sorts."

Marcella gave the boys a smile that she gave her relatives when she really wanted to be elsewhere at reunions. "Well it was nice meeting you."

"Like wise." Teddy said.

Marcella ran to the changing room and changed into the robe and sent a picture to her mother of her wearing to avoid confrontation with her new 'friends'.

Her mother bought three sets of the robes, a black pointed hat (that she hoped was just a joke), dragon hide gloves, and a black winter coat with silver fastenings. Together they head out the door and picked up the rest of the things on the list.

If this was her first time really experiencing the wizarding world then her time at Hogwarts was going to be a hoot. She went home and flopped on her bed without showering or eating. Within minutes she was asleep curled up with her dog under a large blanket.

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