In memory

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In memory of those who died in the deathly hallows.

Regulus Black - you may have been a butt at first but at least you came to your senses at the end. I applaud you. Regulus taught me that you will always do the right thing in the end.

Hedwig - you were a moody owl. You were a great owl. I'm sorry that happened to you. RIP. You taught me that you can love a pet like you can love a human. That everyone and every living thing is equal.

Alastor Moody - An incredible arour. If not for dung you'd be alive. Teddy would have loved you. You taught me that no matter how powerful someone is they can fall, that death will come; we are not invincible.

Rufus Scrimgeour - I'm glad your dead I have no regret. •_•

Ted tonks - you were a pretty awesome character and I wish you could have been introduced earlier. I liked you.

Peter pettigrew - dropped one tear for you. You filthy scum traitor. You taught me that I should not seek to be friends with someone who can protect me but someone I can rely on. You also taught me taught me that sometimes friends are not friends.

Dobby - DOBBY WAS A FREE ELF. WHYYYYYY!!! (Throws socks) you taught me that I should treat everyone equally. That my actions towards someone can affect their actions towards me. That friendship has no limits.  And that freedom is a gift.

Remus lupin - I liked you when you weren't trying to leave your wife. You taught me that the only thing I should not judge someone by the outside (or the madness within) but what is in the inside.

Fred Weasley - WHY DID YOU HAVE TO DIE! You taught me to find laughter among even the darkest of times.

Tonks - the awesome Hufflepuff. (I'm a hatstall between Hufflepuff and Gryffindor) you taught me that love isn't skin deep.

Snape - your death has not affected me. I'm not amused. You taught me that if I like someone I should tell them and to never judge someone.

Colin - sometimes the innocent gets caught in the crossfire. 

Bellatrix- insert song about characters I don't like in here.

Voldemort + death eaters - more songs about characters I don't like. But Voldemort taught me not to get my knickers in a twist because I lost my nose and powers.

Fallen fifty- you taught me to stand by the people who are fighting for the greater good.

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