Truth or dare part 4

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"Uh truth." Alice said realizing that she was the 1st one to do so.
"Is it true that you and Frank are going out?" Peter asked her in a quiet voice.
Alice immediately flushed a magenty red. She nodded her head. Remus passed Sirius a galleon.
"Okay now that you've all found that out, Sirius truth or dare." She said in a bored tone. "Dare of course." He said.
Alice clicked her tongue really loudly and a few seconds later Marlene shouted from the girls dorm for her to help her. Whoever this guy was Marlene was head over heels for him.
Alice waited for lily to leave before she said, "I dare you to make James leave the room." She said and winked at Sirius. James left the room and tried to get into the girls dorm 3 times.
"Ok now he's gone its part 2 of our plan. We're going to need spray paint, brooms, and paint."
They carried the box of firewhisky, cheese, spray and regular paint, and wands.
They made their way out of the castle to the quiddicth field. They got out the spray can and Peter, Alice, Sirius, and Remus got out the spray cans and sprayed the words 'Will you go out with me Lily?' Really big. There was also a large picture of Lily in the middle.
They worked until 5am. Remus and Sirius had passed out on Lilys giant mouth and Peter was snoring face down on the field. Alice was the only one still up spraying away. Alice conjured up a bullhorn and yelled at the sleeping 6th years "WAKE YOUR BLOODY ARSES UP."
When everyone was up again (it took them a while to wake Peter) they made they're way back to the dorms and got ready for the surprise.
James was wearing his best robes and had a bouquet of lilies sitting on his bed as he tried to flatten his hair (5 bottles of Sirius's hair gel was in the trash can). However James's hair couldn't be tamed.

Meanwhile in the girls dorm...

Marlene was forcing Lily into a dress but Lily had already threatened to jinx her into permeant ugliness for the rest of her life when she let her wear her wizard robes over a green and jeans.
Alice was revising the song Marlene and Lily had wrote to latch by Sam smith.
Marlene grabbed Lily and the song forced her out to the quiddicth field. The whole school even mcgonall and dumbledore where in the stands.
Potter was waiting for her by his broom. Lily had to admit he looked decent.
"Evans do you want go for ride?" He asked but his voice was different he didn't sound like himself he sounded- no he couldn't be- nervous.
Lily agreed and held tight to him. She was highly sure of herself that he had that famous potter smirk on his face.
"Look down," he said noticing that her eyes were closed. She looked down at something she couldn't comprehend. "Did you do all this for me?" She asked him. "Well Sirius, Peter, Remus, and Alice did but it was my idea. I didn't think they were actually going to do it." He said amazed. "So will you be you my girlfriend?" He had asked her before but this was different way different. The intercom came on with a unearthly noise as Sirius sang latch by Sam smith.
Lily nodded and kiss James. Shocked James fell of the broom but just in time Lily caught him. They flew down as James shouted very loudly looking quite pleased with himself said "SHE SAID YES!!" Repeatedly. The crowd cheered.

Harry Potter One Shots and HeadcannonsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora