Snily vs Jily

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I don't fully understand it when people say that snape and lily should have ended up together. Snape was a coward who never grew up in the first books and back when he was a student himself at Hogwarts. He was obsessed with the dark arts. He called lily a mudblood . However, he did apologize but even through anger and how upset he was, Sev should had never called her that in retaliation. Snape never grew up in the sense that he still wished and fantasized that lily could still be his to the point he choose her safety and freedom over her husband and Harry's,". He treated Harry like crap because his mother didn't choose him and just because James was his father. He tried to kill Sirius because he never grew up. He told everyone that Remus was a werewolf which was childish and he completely ruined his career and any means of providing for himself. Snape is one of the characters which is bad but also has a lot of redeeming qualities. He stopped teaching Harry occlumency because Harry saw something painful from his past. Instead of letting go and accepting that Lily would never be his he held on to all the bitterness that grew inside him. However, Snape came through in the end to risk his life for Harry and that's why he's one of my favorite characters. He eventually grew up and evolved like a Pokemon character.

James was a jerk but he grew up. He loved Lily. He was 21 year old without a wand who knew he was going to die. He hoped that his 1 year old son and wife could get out safely if he stood up to Voldemort wandless. He sacrificed himself for his wife and child at 21. He was not a immature coward in the end either.

He changed himself for Lily while snape didn't until it was too late and I believed that was what doomed there possible relationship.

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