Another Snily and Lames rant

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Ok guys I like how this fandom only remembers that James bullied Snape. Sure he did but Snape still fought back instead of trying to fix the problem Snape got indulged in the Dark Arts. HE CHOSE TO FOLLOW VOLDEMORT REGARDLESS THE FACT THAT HE WAS GOING TO KILL MUGGLE BORN AKA LILY. He only decided to change when Lily was targeted. HE ASKED VOLDEMORT TO SPARE LILY ONLY LILY. He didn't care what happened to her child or her husband. He couldn't except the fact that Lily chose someone else. I think Lily would have made a huge mistake by marrying Snape.

FUture Me:

Jesus, I'm harsh. Srry. I acutally really like Snape now, but I pefer snily as a friendship more than ship. 

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