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The sound of heeled shoes clattered down the hallway. Marcella turned making sure no one had followed her. She wondered if it would appear tonight. She found the tapestry of the trolls trying to dance. Opposite the wall was a blank wall in between a large vase and window.

Marcella walked past the door three times. On her fourth walk past the door appeared. She smiled, checked once more that no one was near her, and opened the doors of the Room of Requirement.

"Miss. Black! At last you join us!" James greets me from atop a table. I curtsey in reply with a mischievous grin.

"Everyone's here now. Let's start." I rolled my eyes as Lillian, a blonde intuitive Ravenclaw, stood on a chest and started a head count.




"Present" I stared at Louie for his response. Just say here like everyone else Louie, geez.

"James Sirius?"

"Call me James, Lillia."

"When you learn to call me Lillian, Potter." I snorted at her response.


"Here" I reply.





She called the rest of the names on the roll.

You may be wondering what exactly is going on. We are a group that speaks out for the wizarding youth. In our first year, we got the curfew pushed back an hour. In second year, we got the opening of mixed house dormitories if wanted. In third, we got rid of the housing table, and last year we released a bunch of frogs into the halls - Lillian was sick and left James and I in charge- big mistake.

However, recently the school has been targeted by the forest. There are things inside the forest that should have never been there in the first place. All because of one student in the early 1900s, Newt Scamander. How a student got these animals in the first place is a puzzling question. One that we have to figure out.

Everyone gathered in the room of requirement are from all different houses, but were if the same grade. Our main priority is keeping Hogwarts safe when adults are ... sluggish ... for lack of better world... about the threats of Hogwarts.

Some of Voldemorts legion still lies in the forest supposedly.

Lillian walked over to a white board. She grabbed her wand gracefully out of her boat a smirked. As a way to show off, she magically and silently casted a purple dry erase marker into the air and began to write.

How do we get into the forest?

What is actually in the forest?

Why is it forbidden?

How can we, if possible, keep the animals in their home, and stop them from being threats to the school.

I raised my hand. "Lila, I don't think we should refer to them as animals." James snorted beside me. Lillian rolled her eyes and wrote over the word animals with beasts. A collective sigh went through the room. I slumped back into my bean bag. "That's not what I meant." Lillian ignored me.

"Our first order of business is answering these questions and then tonight, finally we will go in." Lillian said with a maniac smile. However this was just her normal smile.

This caused a weariness throughout the room.

"Wow wow. We can't go into the forest at night." James complained.

"Why not?" Lillian asked.

"You're a Ravenclaw figure out why!" James cried. He faceplamed.

"You'll be fine. We aren't going to go into deep. Only a couple of miles."

Marcella heard someone behind her say "why did I join this club." She couldn't help, but agree with whomever said it.

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