Underneath The Cabello Household

Start from the beginning

"Believe me, I know." Lauren glanced at me. "That doesn't exactly make me happy with her either." She sighed and grabbed my hand, "but maybe we can try and look over that? You two obviously miss each other. You've been through too much just to throw it all away. She did help me get to you."

I cast a sideways glance at her with my head tilting slightly, "Lo, I can forgive and forget. You know that. It doesn't mean I'm still not slightly pissed off at her. She was really selfish and," I released some air loudly, "can we just see how this week goes?"

Lauren nodded and smiled lightly. "Sorry, I don't mean to be pushy."

"You're not. You've got a big heart and this adult version of you hates confrontations," I giggled when she slapped me lightly on the arm, "and you still take my breath away."

"You told her on the phone that everything was okay," she squeezed my hand, "don't go giving her mixed signals. Promise me you two will talk rationally."

I shifted in my seat and turned down a familiar street. "For you, anything."

"Wow," Lauren grinned and clutched my hand tighter in hers, "this place has not changed at all."

"It's Midtown," I laughed, "what did you expect?"

We drove down Austin's parents street and nudged Lauren lightly, "they still live there."

Lauren couldn't keep her eyes off the house she once had called home.

"Did you want to stop?" I slowed down slightly.

"No." Lauren looked scared and shook her head repeatedly. "I'm just... one thing at a time, please?" She whispered.

I pressed on the gas to speed up and nodded. "Whenever you're ready." I nodded and the rest of the ride to my own childhood home was quiet.

Pulling into the familiar driveway, I was shocked to find that nobody from inside checked out the window.

"Mom!" Lucas ran towards me and slipped on the ice patch in front of me. She laughed and got up, brushing herself off. "I can't believe we're here!"

"Someone's excited." Lauren grinned.

My family was about to get a nice surprise.

I grabbed my daughter's hand and tugged her towards the front door. The wreath Sofi and I had made when we were younger hung on the door in its vintage glory. I looked behind to find Sofi and Lauren talking while Dylan tied her boot up, staying out of sight from whoever was going to open the door.

"Nana doesn't know we're here?" Lucas asked, adjusting her beanie cap on her head. "Does she know you and Lauren are back together?"


Well, I've mentioned it a couple of times but it'll be real to my parents the moment they see it for themselves.

"She knows." I smiled and Lucas pressed the doorbell.

"Alex!" We heard Sinu scream from somewhere in the house. "Alex can you please get that?"


I heard something slam down and figured Alex wasn't listening to Sinu. A few choice words were muttered right before the door opened.

I stood right in front of the older woman with a cheesy grin. "Surprise!"

"My girls!" She screamed delightfully and pulled me in for a tight hug. "Oh my," she breathed and moved to hug her granddaughter. "Hey you."

"Nana!" Lucas giggled and held onto Sinu's hand tightly. "Uncle Alex is here?"

"Somewhere." Sinu rolled her eyes and waved us in the house with a big grin. "Oh wow, I'm so surprised. Your father and I were just talking about what to have for dinner and now we know to set up two extra plates."

Lucas snickered and took off her coat.

"Mom," I smiled and bit my lip, "you might want to make it five more plates."

"Five?" She looked genuinely confused.

"Well us being here is only half the surprise," I reopened the door and waved Lauren and Dylan over.

They both looked so scared and nervous.

"I'd like you to meet Dylan," I grabbed the small brunette's hand and my mom dropped to her knees instantly. Her eyes were scanning over every single feature and tears filled up in her eyes. "Dylan, this is my mom."

"Hi Mrs. Cabello," Dylan whispered, her cheeks burning red under the scrutiny of Sinu.

"Please, call me Nana." She whispered and moved to up the small tanned face, "you look so much like your mother."

"She gets that a lot." Lauren spoke, finally appearing from behind the door. She waved a shy hand and smiled, "hi Mrs. C."

Sinu stood up, eyes wide in shock and I ran behind her in case she fainted again. Instead she threw herself forward and pulled Lauren into a hug.

Lauren held my gaze with a look of surprise before falling into the embrace, closing her eyes. Aside from myself and Dylan, my parents were a big part of Lauren's past, one she missed immensely.

"You look so grown up." Sinu pulled back and had a big smile on her face.

"And you look wonderful as always Mrs. C." Lauren smiled nervously, her voice quivering slightly.

"Please call me Sinu, Lauren." She scolded lightly. "We've been through this already."

"Nana, where's Grandpa?" Lucas frowned and grabbed Dylan's hand. "I want him to meet my sister."

I noticed how my Mom's eyes lit up and the blush that crawled over Dylan's face. "Yea, where is Dad?" I tilted my head and moved to grab Lauren's hand gently. "I want him to meet my girlfriend."

"Oh!" Sinu was in hysterics as she grabbed the both of us and jumped up and down. "This is the best Christmas present ever!"

"I've got your luggage Mila." Sofi came in the door finally and had herself overloaded with suitcases.

Mom looked between us two sisters and smiled. "You know, I'd call up Ripley's about this miracle, but they wouldn't believe me." She grabbed Lucas' hand. "Come on girls, Grandpa is in the kitchen."

"Thanks." I smiled at my sister and she shrugged like it was no big deal. "Sofi," I grabbed her hand and wiped some snow off her jacket collar, "maybe we all can go out for coffee tonight and catch up. All claws will remain retracted and teeth will not be shown."

"I think that sounds like a really good idea." Lauren whispered with a smile.

"Yeah." Sofi grinned and bobbed her head up and down. "Totally in."

"Cool." I nodded and grabbed my stuff.

"Are you sure it's cool that we crash here?" Lauren smirked and tugged on my belt buckle, pulling me close to her, "we could always grab a hotel suite with two bedrooms and the girls will be sleeping..."

I groaned quietly at the smouldering look she was giving me.

"Gross." Sofi coughed. "Lauren and Camila up in a tree – f-u-c-k-i-n-"

"Bad word!" Lucas called from the kitchen.

"Pay up sis." I grinned and she shook her head, leaving Lauren and I alone.

"So where were we?" She whispered in a slow heated kiss, pressing against the staircase railing.

"Jesus." I whispered as her lips moved down my neck, nipping my pulse point. "Lo stop."

"Why?" She groaned.

"Because you're making me wet." I husked in her ear and she pulled back, eyes sparkling. "Put some ice on it until tonight," I smiled softly, cupping her cheek, "it's about time we make some noise underneath the Cabello household again."

I wiggled my eyebrows and she grinned devilishly.

So in love.

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