Chapter 61

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So prom is coming up. Bradley already told me he is going to ask me. He just didn't say when or how yet. He said he wants to make it special.

Me and Rowan walk into school and go to our lockers.

"Are you excited for prom?" I ask Rowan.

"Yeah Corey asked me last night." She says.

"How did he ask you?" I ask.

"He went simple and just asked if I wanted to go with him. I told him a while ago I don't want some big elaborate prom proposal thing" She says.

"I don't either. I would rather save all the fun big stuff for the actual prom" I say.

"Hi. Can you come with me for a minute?" Bradley comes up to me and asks me.

"Sure. I'll see you later Rowan" I say and me and Bradley walk to the gym. It was empty so I don't know why he would want me to come in here with him.

He hands me a baseball with writing on it. It says 'Can I steal you for prom?'

I smile and say "Of course you can" and hug him.

"Good. I can't wait" He says and let's go from the hug.

"You're such a baseball player" I say.

"I know" He says and we both laugh a little.

"Do you want the ball back?" I ask.

"No. Keep it. You can put it in ones of those clear boxes you get when you catch a foul ball" He says.

I barley know what he is talking about but I know what the clear boxes are so I say, "Ok"

We go back to my locker, Rowan already left and went to her class. I put the baseball in my locker and me and Bradley went to our class.

I'm so excited to go to prom and now I am officially going with Bradley.

{Just a filler chapter. I'm sorry it's so short}

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