Chapter 57

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Today me and Bradley are going to Sequoia national park. We are only going to be there for a day then tomorrow we are going home.

It was about a 4 hour car ride from LA. We just got here and we are going to go to the park. After we are going to the hotel that we are staying at tonight then leaving to go home in the morning.

We go to the park and start walking. It is basically just a bunch of trails in the woods, it's really cool and all the trees are huge. We found a few giant pine cones that were probably at least a foot long. We brought a few of those with us to take home. We went inside a few of the huge trees. They crave the insides out of it so people can go inside.

After that we went back to the hotel and ate dinner then packed up all out stuff so it's ready for the morning. Then we went to bed.

The next day:

Me and Bradley woke up at 6am to start driving home. It's about a 6 hour drive but it will probably take longer because of traffic. We are hoping to be home by at least 2pm.

We put our suitcases in the RV and leave. I'm excited to go home because I miss my family but I also don't want this vacation to end. It was definitely the best trip I have ever took. We have been on our road trip for about 2 weeks now so I excited to go home.

So we drive and drive, I watch a movie in the car and play on my phone a lot to keep me busy. I start recognizing things then I realize that we are only like 10 minutes away from my house.

At about 1:30 we pull up to my house.

"Thank you" Bradley says.

"For what? Shouldn't I be thanking you?" I ask.

"Just for coming and making this trip fun" He says.

"Your welcome. I had so much fun" I say.

"Me too. I'll text you later" He says and kisses me.

"Bye. Thank you for this entire trip" I say after I kiss back then I grab my bag and leave the RV.

I go inside and my family were really excited to see me. They made me tell them everything that happened on the trip and everything I did. I gave them each the presents I bought them then went to my room and unpacked.

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