Chapter 24

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{I am so nervous to post this chapter. Just letting you guys know}

I get waken up to someone pretty much jumping on the bed. Its obviously Bradley.

"Wake up sleepy head" He says quietly

"Fine" I say in a grumpy angry voice. Half of it was fake. If it was Sarah or Rowan it would have been real. I sit up and he gets off the bed.

"Sorry" He says.

"It's fine" I say and get out of bed.

"Want to go to a diner for breakfast" He asks.

"Sure" I say.

"Ok I'm going to leave so you can get dressed because I said yesterday that I wasn't going to push you into doing something you don't want to do and I mean it" He says.

"I know. I believe you" I say. He leaves the room and I get dressed and then go to the bathroom and brush my hair and teeth. He goes to his room and gets dressed. It's about 10 o'clock right now.

He is waiting for me in the hallway when I leave the bathroom. I guess it is true that girls take longer to get ready then boys even for simple throw in a shirt and shorts thing like this.

"Ready to go?" He asks.

"I'm ready" I say.

We walk to the diner and sit at a booth. I order bacon and eggs and he orders pancakes. We eat and talk a lot. Nothing really major.

Then go back to his house and I tell him I should probably go back home to find out what's up with Sarah. He offers to walk me home but I say no. He walks me to his front door.

"Ok I don't expect you to say this back but I love you." He says.

"The first time I say that to you I want to know I really mean it" I say.

"I would rather have you mean it then not mean it" He says.

"Bye Bradley" I say.

"Bye B" He says and kissed my cheek. My cheeks turn a little red and I smile.

I got home and walk into the house. My parents aren't home because they are at work. I go straight to Sarah's room. I don't knock or anything I just barge right in. She is laying in her bed on her phone with our dog, Goodwin on her stomach, I think I scared her when I walked in.

"Holy shit. Don't you knock" She says and sits up and puts Goodwin on the bed next to her.

"Not when you are acting weird and I need to know why." I say.

"Just leave it. I'll tell you soon" She says.

"Please just tell me you and Peyton didn't break up" I say.

"No. I would never do that. I said just leave it" She says

"Fine but you have to tell me soon" I say.

"I will" She says and then says something under her breath.

I wasn't going to bother asking what she was saying. I go to my room and unpack my stuff. I go and sit on my bed. I play on my phone because I have nothing better to do except worry about Sarah. Even though I should just leave it like she said I can't. She is my sister and I don't like seeing her in whatever type of mood she is in right now.

So I pretty much spend all day in my room and Sarah does the same thing. I ate lunch and dinner and that was pretty much the only times I went out of my room. I don't know about Sarah though. I'm kind of worried about her. I wish she would tell me what's wrong. At like 8:30pm I decide to take a shower and then I get out, get into my pajamas and lay back down in bed. I feel so lazy. I kind of like it.

He Broke Me {Brabrina} (Completed)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ