Chapter 60

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So today I am babysitting Avery. My parents are out of town for work and there is some 2016 senior reunion party going on today. Bradley is coming over to help me. I'm sure I will be doing must of the work because I have more experience in babysitting then Bradley from babysitting Auggie and Ocean and just living with Avery. I thought Sarah would have some funny comment to say about me and Bradley being alone together with a baby but she didn't. She isn't as funny as she used to be, it's kinda sad. She has grown up a lot in the last 11 months since having Avery.

I never really gave an update on Sarah learning to love Avery. Well she probably loves Avery more than anyone else in this world including me and Peyton. I love how much she loves her, it's really cute. This is her first time away from Avery since she has been born (except 4th of July last year) and I don't know how it's going to go. I except her to either come home super early at like 9 or stay out all night and make there 2nd kid.

"Bye guys" I say from the door while holding Avery as Sarah and Peyton are leaving. It took them like 15 minutes to leave because they just kept saying bye to the baby. It's almost 7 and Avery already ate dinner so I really don't have to do anything until 9 when she goes to bed.

"Bye" They both say and get into his car.

I close the door and we go into the living room. I put her on the floor with her toys and I sit next to her.

"Now that the parents are gone should we go crazy?" I ask, her not expecting a response. She just does a little giggle and picks up a toy.

At about 7:15 Bradley shows up. And we just kinda sit and play with her for a while. She has seen Bradley a bunch of times so she wasn't like scared of him. She kind of likes playing with him actually.

"Remember that time you were babysitting Auggie and Ocean and I came over?" Bradley asks.

"Yeah and you kept making fun of me saying I looked like a mom" I say.

"Yeah because you did and you do now." He says.

"I won't be a mom until I'm at least 24" I say.

"Who's kid is it going to be?" Bradley asks.

"Well as of right now it looks like it's going to be yours" I say.

"Good" He says.

"Remember we told them you were the kid Sarah tutors?" I say.

"Yeah. I would probably be the stupidest kid in the world if Sarah really tutored me" He says.

"Yeah I know. I miss Auggie and Ocean I haven't seen them since that night" I say.

"Why?" He asks.

"The parents don't need babysitters at the moment. Rowan hasn't babysat either but she sees them a lot at like holiday parties" I say.

"You'll see them again soon" Bradley says.

I was about to respond but then the baby started crying.

"I got it" I say and pick her up.

"Why is she crying?" He asks.

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