Chapter 10

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So it has been about a month since Bradley told me that he wanted to break my brick wall. Most days we don't hang out. He texts me a lot after school asking me what I am doing and stuff.

Today Bradley asked me to go to his house. I told him yes because he has been really nice to me so I am trying to be super nice back. I'm a little nervous because like you never know what could happen.

I am currently walking to his house. I get there and knock on the door. His mom answers it. When she opens the door I see Bradley sitting on the couch in the living room.

"Hi. You must be Sabrina! Bradley talks about you all the time." She greets me and let's me inside.

"Hi. I am" I say and Bradley comes by the door.

"No I don't mom!" Bradley says obviously lying

"Whatever you say, sweetie" she says.

I am just kind of standing there awkwardly. I already want to leave.

"Sorry about that. Let's go up to my room" he says

"It's ok" I say and he shows me to his room. For some reason I am a little nervous. I don't know why, I mean he has been in my room before. A bed room is just a very comfortable place and I am the furthest thing from comfortable.

"Sorry about my mom again" He says once we get into his room

"It's ok. I didn't mind" I tell him

"So what do you want to do?" He asks

"I don't know. It's your house, you can decide" I say

"We have already done the binge watch tv thing twice. Want me to teach you how to play video games?" He asks with a big smile on his face probably thinking I will say yes.

"I would rather die" I say

"Ok then. What about baseball?" he asks

"That's terrible too but not as bad as video games. Sure why not" I say

"Really?" He asks surprised

"Yeah now let's go before I change my mind" I say.

We both go downstairs and go into his back yard and he brings out a baseball bat and a big bucket of baseballs.

"Why do you have so many baseballs?" I ask

"My dad used to couch my little league team" he says and hands me the bat. "Do you know how to properly swing?" He asks and I shake my head no. I never played softball as I kid. I did soccer for like a season but what little kid didn't play soccer? I was never really into sports.

"Here let me show you" he says. I think he was trying to reenact something from a movie scene like when the guy helps the girl do something with sports. What he did was stand behind me and took my hands and put them on where they should go on the bat. His hands were on top of my hands. I was super uncomfortable the entire time. I would so rather be playing video games. He basically had his entire body wrapped around mine.

"Ok so when you start you put the top of the bat behind you head" he says and moves the bat to behind my head with his hands still on top of mine. "This is how you swing" He says and does like the motion of how to properly swing while still standing behind me and had his hands on top of mine. "Got it?" he asks

I look up at him and say "Got it" even though I really didn't. I was too distracted by how uncomfortable it was. Deep down I kind of liked it but not that much.

After that he lets go of me and stands about 20 feet in front of me with the bucket of balls at his side. "I'm going to throw the ball now" he says to let me know when I guess.

"Ok" I say and he throws the ball and I swing probably not the right way and miss the ball

"It's ok. I didn't get it on my first try either" he says.

"When did you start playing baseball" I ask mostly just so I don't have to hit a ball again right away.

"In 1st grade it was tee ball. Then in 3rd grade they took the tee away and I didn't hit my first ball until the like second to last game of the season that year" He says

"Good. Now I won't feel bad if I don't hit a ball today" I say

"I will seriously be at your house everyday until you learn how to hit a ball" He says

"No thanks. I'm good" I say

Then he throws about 5 more balls and I miss every time. Ones of them hit the bat but only landed like 2 feet in front of me. We decide to go inside since it was starting to get dark and I should probably get home. He offers to walk he home but I say no and I'll be fine but he decided to come anyway. We walk to my house and it was pretty much quiet the entire time. We get up to the front door. I was starting to unlock it when he says.

"Hey B, sorry if I was a little to close today while teaching you how to swing. I know that's not really in your comfort zone" He says.

Aw that's so sweet I think in my head. "It's ok Bradley. I kind of liked it. I was like a scene in a movie." I say

"Good" he says and smiles. I think he was a little embarrassed or something because after he taught me how to swing the bat he was pretty quiet, which is not what he is normally like.

"Bye Bradley. I had fun today. Thank you" I say and open the door

"Bye B. I did too" he says and I walk inside and close the door.

I go upstairs to my room and flop down on my bed and stare at the ceiling. I never should have said I liked it. I didn't like it that much. I was like 90 percent uncomfortable and 10 percent liked it. He is probably going to try and do it again now.

{Hey guys! I hope you liked this chapter. I thought I would put something a little romantic in there before the big stuff starts coming. Do you think Sabrina is starting to develop feelings for Bradley as more then just a friend?

Just a question, would you guys want me to write this same chapter but in Bradley's point of view to see what he was think the entire time? Comment if you would!}

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