Chapter 9

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So today I asked Bradley to hangout at my house after school because when I hung out at his house like 2 weeks ago he asked me questions about myself so today I am going to do the same to him. I also invited him over because he is always inviting me places. I thought I would just do something in return. About like 25 minutes later he gets here and I go to the door to answer it but Sarah already did.

"Hi Bradley" I say and push Sarah out of the way.

"Hi B" he says back and steps inside

"Want to go to my room and watch tv?" I ask him.

"Sure" he says.

"Have fun. Don't make out too much" Sarah says

"Shut up Sarah" I say and go upstairs with Bradley. He sits on my bean bag chair and I sit on my bed. "What do you want to watch?" I ask him

"What about Stranger Things?" He asks

"Sure" I say and turn it on. After we finish 1 episode I turn it off for a little bit. "Ok so that day I went over to your house you asked me a few questions. Now I am going to do it to you" I tell him.

"Ask away" he says

"First, what do you like to do for like fun?" I ask

"I like baseball, snowboarding and hanging out with you." he says

I just kind of pretended I didn't hear the last thing he said.

"Cool. Um who's your favorite baseball team?" I ask

"The Red Sox" He says

"Ok. Next, why do you want to break the wall around my heart?" I asked him.

"Because I want you to be happy. I want you to love people that isn't just your family."

"You don't need a boy to be happy" I say {That is actually something I say at least once a day and it was also ones of my ideas for the story title}

"I know. Let's just watch the show" he said.
After I asked him the questions we watched 3 more episodes, then he went home and I just finished the season.

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