Chapter 3

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So it's the next day and Rowan and Sarah wanted to have a girls day with just us. I'm assuming it's just to ask me a ton a questions about what me and Bradley did yesterday. We are probably going to go to the mall or have a movie marathon. Its 10:00am and I just got out of bed, got dressed and did all that stuff then went downstairs for breakfast.

"Wow look who is finally up" Sarah said.

"It's only 10 o clock. I could have woken up way later" I said

"So how was your date with Bradley last night?" She asked

"It wasn't a date. He just invited me over and we watched tv. We barley even talked" I told her.

"You were to busy kissing each other to talk" Sarah said.

"No that's you and Peyton" I said back.

"Ok whatever. Go eat breakfast or something" Sarah said and she went back upstairs and to her room. I went and made myself a bowl of cereal and ate it then went back upstairs until 12 because that's when Rowan came.

Rowan comes in and all 3 of us sit on the couch.

"So what are we going to do today?" I asked

"We could have a High School Musical marathon!" Rowan said really excited.

"Yeah. Let's do that!" Sarah said almost as excited as Rowan.

We went and got snacks and drinks and stuff then went back into the living room and started the first one.

About a hour into the movie Bradley texted me and told me to go outside. I told Rowan and Sarah I would be right back.

I went outside and saw him standing in my front yard. I walked over to him and asked "Why are you here?"

"I wanted to ask you something" he said

"You couldn't have just texted me?" I asked

"No I wanted to do it in person" he said

I got a little nervous. He was asking me questions about if I had a boyfriend and stuff yesterday. "What is it?"

"Why don't you want a boyfriend?" He asked

I thought for a few seconds about what I was going to say because I didn't expect that to be the question. "I don't know. I just don't want one and I don't need one"

"What would it take for you to want a boyfriend?" He asked

"I don't know. It's going to take a lot to break this brick wall around my heart" I told him.

"I'll try" He said and I started walking to the front door

"I will break you, Carpenter" he yelled to me

"In your dreams Perry" I yelled back and went inside.

After I went inside I got a bunch of questions from Rowan and Sarah. I lied and said he was just dropping something off that I left there. They didn't buy it and said it took a long time just for him to hand something to me. Then we went back to watching HSM and then after that watched the second and third.

{Hope you liked this chapter. It was pretty short compared to the last one. This is kind of a intro into what is coming next. I think next chapter I am going to do a short one and put it in Bradley's point of view}

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