Chapter 36

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{I'm doing a little time jump because I have nothing planned except the first day of school. So that's what I'm doing. And I'm also going to put like everyone's school schedules at the end of this chapter}

It's been 3 weeks since me and Bradley went on that date, Sarah's doctor thing and the trip to the mall. Shannon went back to Pennsylvania last week since she starts college this week.
Today is the first day of school for us. I'm in 11th grade now. This summer was probably the best summer of my life mostly because of Bradley.

I'm not excited about going back at all because I know today is going to be ok then everyday after that is going to suck. But today is a Thursday so we only have 2 days of school this week.

Me and Bradley got our schedules and we have 5 classes together and lunch. Me, Sarah, Bradley, Peyton, Rowan and Corey all have the same lunch period again so that's good.

No one at school knows about Sarah being pregnant, it's still only me, her, Peyton and Bradley that knows. Hopefully it doesn't spread around school today because that would be terrible since it's the first day of school and it's already stressful enough. I know and I think she knows that it is eventually going to spread around school, we just don't know when. But you can tell that her stomach is growing or maybe just I can because we are always hugging and stuff but she has been wearing looser shirts lately.

So this morning Bradley said he wanted to walk with me to school, so that's the plan.
It's 6:30, I get up and get dressed. I dressed a little nicer today just because it's the first day of school. I also put on a little bit of make up which I don't normally do for school but I did today just because it's the first day.

I go down stairs and eat breakfast then at 7:30 Bradley knocks on the door.

I say bye to everyone and of course my mom wants to do the whole picture taking thing. I agreed on taking two pictures because I really just want to leave.

I go outside and Bradley is waiting for me.

"Ready for school?" He asks.

"No. I hate school" I say.

"Don't worry, only today will be fun" He says.
I laugh a little and we start walking to school and holding hands.

"I know" I say.

About 10 minutes later we arrive at school.

"See you at 2nd period" Bradley says and kisses me on the cheek.

"Bye" I say.

"Awww" I hear Rowan say and I turn around.

"Hi Rowan! " I say kind of loudly.

"Hey Sabrina" Rowan says.

"Want to go find our lockers?" I ask. Every year we normally end up getting lockers that are really really close because they go in alphabetical order by last name and my last name starts with a C and hers starts with a B.

"Yeah. Let's go" Rowan says and we walk to our lockers. They are right next to each other as usual.

We put all our books and stuff in there because we won't need them until tomorrow or the next day. Me and Rowan walk to our first period class which was science and we have it together which I like. Me and Rowan go into the class and we see Corey so we go over and sit near him. It looks like I'll be 3rd wheeling in science this year.

Pretty much the entire time the teacher just talked about what we are going to learn this year and class rules and boring stuff like that. The bell rings and I go to my second period class, which was English and Rowan goes to hers. We don't have the same class this period but I do have it with Bradley.

So the rest of the day was pretty boring. It was just the teachers telling us about the course and rules and boring stuff like that. But there was no homework so that was good.

{I said I was going to write everyone's schedules at the end of the chapter so here they are. I'm not going to do Sarah and Peyton's since they are in a different grade so they wouldn't have any of the same classes as them but like I said in the chapter all 6 of them have the same lunch period so they are in the same lunch period as everyone else}

Sabrina's schedule:
1. Science
2. English
3. Gym
4. Study hall
5. Social studies
6. Lunch
7. Spanish
8. Math
9. Home ec

Bradley's schedule:
1. Wood shop
2. English
3. Gym
4. Science
5. Social studies
6. Lunch
7. Spanish
8. Math
9. Study hall

Rowan's schedule:
1. Science
2. Home ec
3. Math
4. Spanish
5. Study hall
6. Lunch
7. Gym
8. Social studies
9. English

Corey's schedule:
1. Science
2. Tech
3. Spanish
4. Social studies
5. Study hall
6. Lunch
7. English
8. Math
9. Gym

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