Chapter 50

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2 months later (Sabrina's birthday):

So its my birthday. My parents have something planned for today but won't tell me what. It sounds like something Bradley would do.

It's probably like 7:30 and everyone is making so much noise down stairs. It's why I'm up this early. I normally wake up until at least 10am on weekends. They are probably planning something so I'm not going to ruin it.

So I'm fake sleeping for about a half an hour and they are still up making noise. Someone came in to check if I was still sleeping a couple times. I can't tell who is downstairs by there voices but I can tell there are a few people.

I'm fake sleeping for about another 10 minutes when Avery starts crying from Sarah's room. I wanted to go and get her, to help Sarah but at the same time I didn't want to ruin the surprise and I'm sure Sarah will be up in a minute or two.

After almost 5 minutes of the baby still crying I decide to get up because I feel bad that she is just in there crying and I don't think anyone can here her because it is so loud downstairs.

I go quietly to Sarah's room and pick her up. She stops almost immediately.

"Did they wake you up too being loud and annoying?" I ask not expecting a answer.

So I'm assuming that she is up for the day (besides the 6 naps she'll take) so I bring her into my room just incase I get caught being up. I'm trying to be a little sneaky even though I am so not.

So we go into my room and I play with some baby toys with her that are surprisingly kind of entertaining when you have nothing to do. 2 month olds don't really do much. They eat and sleep mostly.

About a half an hour later I hear someone come upstairs and go into Sarah's room.

"Mom did you bring Avery downstairs?" I hear Sarah call.

I would send Sarah on a mad hunt for the baby but that would be mean.

"She's in here" I call from my room

She opens my door and looked very relieved.

"Why is she in here?" Sarah asks

"She was crying and none of you could hear her because you were so loud so I took her in here" I say putting emphasis on loud.

"I'm sorry about that" Sarah says.

"It's ok. You don't have to apologize" I say.

"Well happy birthday" She says and hugs me.

"Thank you" I say and hug back.

"How does it feel to be 17?" She asks.

"Not very different but you were just 17 last year" I say.

"I know. Come downstairs we have something to show you" She says and basically pulls me off my bed. She picks up the baby and we go downstairs.

My mom, dad and Bradley were down there.

"Happy birthday" My mom and dad said to me and hugged me.

"Thank you" I say

"Happy birthday" Bradley says and kisses my cheek.

"Thank you" I say again and smile a little bit.

So there loud surprise for me was a huge breakfast. We all ate and talked for a while. They also had another surprise planned for later in the day.

For later on in the day we went to some like really fun place with go carts, mini golf, a batting cage and a arcade. Rowan, Corey and Peyton met us there. So I spent the whole day with my friends at this super awesome place and then we went and got dinner and ice cream after.

{I probably could have made this chapter better but I'm rushing to get chapters done}

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