Chapter 12

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So it's the next day and I am just arriving to school. I go to my locker and get everything I'll need. On my way to class I was praying Bradley would be in his old seat next to mine. I walk in and he is there but not alone. Peyton M. Is sitting behind him. We sit in the back of the class but the row of desks behind ours is empty. I really didn't want Peyton there because this is pretty much the only time I am alone with Bradley except maybe on the weekends. I just shook it off and sat in my regular seat.

"Hi Bradley" I say then turn around. "Hi. It's Peyton right?" I ask him even though I already know his name.

"Yeah and your Sabrina right?" He asks
"Yeah. That's right" I say

"Bradley talks about you a lot" he says. Bradley was just sitting there watching us as we were talking, probably jealous.

"So I have heard" I say and turn back around to look at the teacher.

Bradley turns around and mouths something to him but I don't know what. Probably like shut up or something.

The rest of the class all 3 of us didn't say anything to each other.

I want to ask Bradley to tell Peyton to go back to his old seat like later on when he isn't here of course, but I don't want to sound to into the whole hanging out with Bradley thing.

Later that day when I am home from school I am sitting at my desk in my room doing my homework when I get a text from Bradley. I was happy because it gave me a excuse to stop homework because it's boring.

Bradley: Hey B. What are you doing?

Me: Doing homework

Bradley: Do you have time to come outside?
Me: Why?

Bradley: Just do it. If you can.

Me: I'll be out in a minute

Why is he at my house and what does he want to do? It's probably something stupid just to hangout with me. I go downstairs and open the front door and Bradley is standing there wearing his backpack.

"Why are you here?" I say trying not to sound rude.

"I need homework help" He says. I think he is lying just to spend time with me.

"Ok come in. You can come meet my parents since I met your mom" I say

"Ok" he says a little hesitantly. I let him in and go into the kitchen with him.

"Hi mom and dad. This is my friend, Bradley. I am going to help him with homework" I say. They know absolutely nothing about me not wanting a boyfriend. I never bring up my love life with them.

"Hi Mr. and Mrs. Carpenter" Bradley says

"Hi Bradley." My mom and dad both say.

"Ok well we are going to go to my room and do some homework" I say. I didn't want this conversation with them going any further.

"Ok" My dad says.

I don't get why he is so ok with me having a boy over that they never met before. It's probably because Sarah always has Peyton over and they are always making out in her room. She thinks they don't know and she's all sneaky but they really do.

My and Bradley start walking up the stairs. "Want to go say hi to Sarah?" I ask

"Sure" He says. {Just because Sarah hasn't been in the story lately}

He has been pretty quiet since he has gotten in my house. It's probably different because last time he was over my parents weren't home. We go upstairs and go to Sarah's room and say hi and we steal her desk chair because there is only one in my room and I am not sitting on his lap or sharing the chair with him. Then we go into my room and we sit at my desk.

"So what do you need help on?" I ask

"The math homework" He says.

I start explaining it to him and he wasn't even playing attention. He was just staring at me the entire time. After like 5 minutes of explaining I look at him and we lock eyes for about a minute then he starts leaning in and for a second I do too then I stop and pull away.

"I'm sorry. I can't" I say

"It's ok. I should be the one apologizing though because I know you are ready" He says

"It's alright. It was just a in the heat of the moment thing" I say

"Let's just finish the homework" he says

I start explaining it over again and this time he isn't staring at me and is just staring at the paper. He is probably so embarrassed. I feel bad now.

After about a half an hour we both finish the homework and then he says he has to go home. I walk him to the front door and I say.

"Don't be embarrassed. I don't want you not talking to me for another week and a half again." I say

"I won't. Not talking to you was so hard." He says

"Bye Bradley" I say and smile.

"Bye B" He says and walks outside.

I go back upstairs and go into my room and lay on my bed because I finished my homework

Sarah runs in and jumps on top of me. "I saw everything! How could you not kiss him!!!" Sarah pretty much yelled.

"Shut up Sarah! Mom and dad are right down stairs! And get off of me!" I whisper scream.

She rolls off of me and sits on my bed and I sit up to face her.

"Why didn't you kiss him? He is obviously in love with you" Sarah says.

"I'm not ready. Ok?" I say. Great, I didn't want anyone knowing.

"That's stupid" She says.

"How did you even see us?" I ask

"You came in to my room with Bradley. I know he was going into your room, so I may or may not have spied on you guys throw the crack of the door" She says.

"Your such a creep." I say.

"I know. Next time you guys almost kiss but don't I am just going to push your 2 heads together. Ok?" She says

"Ok." I say and she gets off my bed and goes back to my room.

After all that I eat dinner, take a shower and do everything I need to do to get ready for bed. At like 9:30 I get a text for Bradley.

Bradley: I'm sorry

Me: Don't be

Bradley: I just feel like I am pressuring you a lot

Me: You aren't. It's really sweet.

Bradley: Ok. Your not lying right?

Me: I would never lie to you about something like that.

Bradley: Thanks

Me: Your welcome

Bradley: Goodnight B

Me: Goodnight

End of conversation

Now It was like 11:30 I was just sitting in my bed thinking. I realized how sweet it was that Bradley is making such a huge effort into breaking my brick wall. No guy has ever don't that before. He really is a good person.

{I threw in a almost kiss just to be a bitch 😂}

He Broke Me {Brabrina} (Completed)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя