Chapter 42

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Today is the day of Bradley's party. It starts at 6 but I'm going after school to help him set up and stuff. His parents won't be home until Sunday.

So our plan is to go back to his house right after school and set everything up. I already left my cloths for the party at his house this morning so everything is working out pretty nicely.

School is going to end in a couple minutes and I'm going to go to my locker and get everything I need and he is going to meet me at my locker.

So the bell rings and I go to my locker. About 2 minutes later Bradley comes over.

"Ready to go?" He asks me

"Yeah. Let's go" I say and we walk outside and to his car.

We drive to his house and talk the entire way there.

"What's your favorite part about parties?" I ask.

"Probably being with friends" He says.

A lot of my friends are going to be there tonight and a lot of his friends that I barely know. Rowan, Corey, Sarah, Peyton C. and Peyton M. are going and a couple of Bradley's friends that I met at the end of school party last year are going to be there.

So we go back to Bradley's house and his parents weren't home. We got to the living room and sit on the couch.

"Where should we start?" I ask.

"How about snacks first?" He says.

"Ok" I say and we go into the kitchen and start putting snacks like chips and pretzels into large bowls.

So me and Bradley spend about 2 hours setting everything up.

At 5:00 I started getting ready and everyone started arriving at 6

Bradley was with my the entire night. He wanted everyone to know I was his girlfriend. A lot of my friends were there too but I didn't really see them. Some of his friends I met before at that party he took me to on the last day of school and from his baseball game that one time. A lot of them remembered me but I could barely remember there names.

So you always here crazy things from parties like this but nothing super crazy happened. I guess you just need to be super drunk for that to happen, I didn't drink because I just don't want to and Bradley didn't either, I don't know what his reasoning was.

So the party went on until about 12 in the morning. Bradley started kicking people out at 11:30. I would say by 12:30 everyone left. The only people that were left was me, Bradley and Sarah since Sarah is my ride home. All 3 of us where just standing at his little island counter thing in his kitchen talking.

"Do you need help cleaning up?" I ask because there was seriously garbage everywhere. His house was just a huge mess.

"No. I'll do it tomorrow. What are you doing tomorrow?" Bradley asks.

"She's coming with me to a stupid doctors appointment" Sarah says.

"Wow it's been almost 5 months and you still don't like the fact that there is..." Bradley says but Sarah cuts him off by saying,

"Shut it Bradley. I already know what your about to say" She says.

"Fine. But do you at least get to find out the gender tomorrow?" He asks.

"Yeah. I don't really want to though" She says.

"Why?" He asks.

"I don't know I just don't" She says. I have just been sitting here this whole time barely listening and looking at my finger nails.

"What do you want it to be?" He asks. He sure has a lot of questions.

"A boy" She says, plain and simple.

"You know your not supposed to answer when someone asks you that. Your supposed to say you don't care, which you say a lot, as long as it is healthy" I say as I look up from my nails.

"Then I'll answer it your way. I don't care as long as it's healthy and a boy" She says.

"I'm never going to win with you so I'm just going to give up" I say.

"What do you want it to be?" She asks me.

"A girl" I say.

"Why?" She asks.

"Because I just do" I say

"Ok. I'm going to wait in the car. Have a little quick make out session or whatever just don't be to long" She says and leaves.

"What to come over tomorrow after Sarah's appointment thing?" Bradley asks.

"Sure. I'll help you clean up. I should be over at like 11am" I say.

"You don't have to help me clean up" He says.

"I know but I want to and I'm going to" I say.

"You and Sarah are nothing alike. I don't understand how you two are sister" He says.

"I say the same thing everyday. I'll see you tomorrow" I say and quickly kiss on his cheek.

"Bye" He says and I leave and get in Sarah's car.

"Wow that was the fastest make out session ever. I figured I would be waiting here for at least a half and hour" She says.

"Shut up Sarah" I say and she laughs a little. I used to say that a lot when she would say something uncomfortable or just stupid. I haven't said it in a while I guess that's why she found it so funny.

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