Chapter 38

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{So this week I am posting everyday. It's going to be like the Disney Channel week of premieres when they air a new episode of a show Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. I hope you enjoy}

So it's the second week of school and let's just say It hasn't been good for Sarah. Someone told the entire school about Sarah being pregnant and I'm not sure who it was because the only people that know are Sarah, Peyton, me and Bradley. I know Sarah and Peyton didn't want anyone finding out any time soon and I know Bradley wouldn't because he just won't. He doesn't like doing things to hurt people.

I feel bad because we didn't tell Rowan about it and her and Sarah are really close, so Rowan might be a little mad about that but she isn't going to hold a grudge forever.

So here's how the day went. It started off ok, I went to my first period class and nothing really happened. I was walking with Bradley to 2nd period and we were holding hand. A lot of people were staring at me and I didn't really think anything of it because it was the first time me and Bradley really showed that we were a couple at school except for the first day when he kissed me on the cheek. I just shook it off.

Then I really understood what happened in between 2nd and 3rd period when Sarah came looking for me. She normally doesn't look for me in school unless something is really really wrong so thats how I know. So she finds me and tells me to come with her. We go into some little room thing that she some how knows of.

"What are we doing?" I ask and we both sit in the chairs that are in there.

"Someone found out I'm pregnant and told like everyone" Sarah said.

"I'm sorry" I say and hug her.

"It's ok. I knew everyone would find out soon" Sarah says and hugs back.

"Do you know who?" I ask.

"No. Only me, you, Peyton and Bradley know. And I know none of you would tell" She says.

"That explains why everyone was starring at me this morning" I say.

"Yeah me too" She says.

"Did anyone say anything to you?" I ask.

"Like two people. I don't really care though. They were both immature freshman" She says.

"That explains a lot" I say.

"Yep" She says and it was silent for about 3 minutes.

"What are we going to do? Are we just going to sit in her and cut class?" I ask.

"I am. You don't have to. You can go to class" She says.

"I'll stay. Its gym, who wants to go to gym" I say.

"I don't have gym anymore. That stupid doctors appointment we went to last month gave me a pass out of gym until the baby comes" Sarah says.

"Your lucky but that must have been who told then" I say.

"What?" Sarah asks.

"Teachers talk, some teacher must have been talking about it and a student over heard and told everyone" I say.

"Another reason to hate teachers" Sarah says and we both laugh.

My phone buzzes and I get a text from Bradley.

Bradley: Where are you?

Me: In some weird creepy closet thing with Sarah

Bradley: I'm not even going to ask why. Are you coming to class?

Me: Probably not. I'll tell you why later.

Bradley: Ok. See you in S.S.

"Who are you texting?" Sarah asks.

"Bradley. He wanted to know where I am because I'm supposed to be in gym with him right now" I say and put my phone back in my pocket.

"We're cutting class. It will be fine" She says.

"What about when mom and dad find out?" I ask.

"They probably won't but once we explain what happened to them they won't care and I'll take all the blame if we get in trouble" She says.

"Ok" I say.

We sit and talk for the remainder of the period. Then the bell rings.

"Are you going to go to class now?" I ask.

"Yeah I have to. I already skipped English. I'm going to try and stay home tomorrow." She says.

"Ok. I'm going to class. See you at lunch" I say and open the door to the weird closet thing.

At lunch we asked Rowan if she was mad about not telling her but she said no and was really excited. She also said if she were pregnant she wouldn't tell us until she dropped out of school. Corey gave her the weirdest look ever when she said that, it was really funny. I think the dropping out of school thing gave Sarah some ideas.

So for the rest of the day I went to all my classes. A few people said things to me since I'm her sister so anyone involve gets made fun of I guess. One kid said something on how I'm next, which I know I won't be and a few others said mean stuff about her and of course I had to stick up for her because I started to get a little mad after a while.

As for Sarah, she said it was the worst day of her life and she never wants to go back. She wouldn't give me details on what happened but she was upset about it.

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