Chapter 49

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1 weeks later:

So I have noticed that Sarah is starting to love the baby more and more. 2 weeks ago she wanted nothing to do with the whole thing and now she can't stop holding and playing around with her.

It's definitely progress. When me and Bradley started hanging out I wanted nothing more than to not be with him. Now he's my favorite person to be around. Maybe Sarah being pregnant is like the all the times I hung out with Bradley before we dated and after Avery was born is like after me and Bradley when started dating. It's just a theory. But if it is a true theory then I like I will be able to help her through it because I already lived through it. But I get that a mother/child relationship is different then a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship. And just in case you are wondering, I do love the baby already and I really like having a baby in the house because before it was just teenagers and parents, it could get boring at times.

So a little update on Peyton. He loves the baby but he always has since the day he found out about her. The only downside to this is that he is at our house all the time. It gets so annoying sometimes. I like him and all don't get me wrong but its just annoying. I'm at school a majority of the time and they aren't yet so it's not as bad for me. It just gets annoying when him and Sarah are together 24/7 but I'm just going to have to live with it. Right now he isn't here and Avery is sleeping and I have been meaning to have a serious conversation with Sarah.

I go into her room and she is still on her phone on her bed. I go in and sit on the end of her bed.

"Hey" I say

"Hi" She says and puts her phone down.

"I have a question" I say.

"What is it?" She asks.

"Do you love Avery?" I ask.

It took her a minute to respond. I don't think she really knew the answer to the question.

"I don't know. I like her a lot. I know that but love is a strong word" She says as she looks at the baby, sleeping in that little crib thing that goes next to the parents bed.

"That's ok. It took me months to learn to love Bradley. But I know soon you will love her because she is going to be with you for the rest of your life" I say.

"I know and I just know I will soon. Just give it time" She says.

"I am" I say and get up. "I have a good idea" I say.

"What is it?" She says.

"You know that giant party some senior is throwing this weekend" I ask.

"Yeah and I'm not going so don't even ask" She says.

"Why not? I was supposed to go but I'll stay home and babysit for you and you can go" I say.

"Nope I'm not going. That is irresponsible for me to go" She says.

"What do you know about being responsible?" I ask.

"Nothing that's why I'm not going. Along with having to learn to love, which I never thought I would have to do I need to, I also need to learn how to be responsible" She says.

"Fine but just think about it. Mom and dad will be here so it's not like I'll be alone" I say

"Maybe in a couple months. Definitely not now" She says.

"Ok. I'll talk to you later" I say and leave her room.

{Here's a terrible filler chapter. Next chapter will be better}

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