Chapter 6

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Today is Sunday, the day after me and Bradly went mini golfing. All six of us are going to a fair in town today and it should be a lot of fun! Everyone is meeting at Rowan's house. Then Peyton was going to drive us from there since only him and Sarah can drive.

Me and Sarah drove to Rowan's house together. I knocked on the door and Rowan's little sister, Carmen answered.

"Hi Carmen!" Me and Sarah both said at the same time.

"Hi Sarah and Sabrina!" Carmen said and let us in. "Rowan is in our room going crazy looking for a outfit" she told us.

"Thanks Carmen" Sarah said.

Carmen went back to the living room and finished playing her game of monopoly with there little brother, Shane.

Rowan and Sarah don't know much about the whole brick wall thing. All they know is Bradley has a crush on me and I just don't want a boyfriend right now. They don't know that I don't want a boyfriend ever.

Me and Sarah went into Rowan's room. We got there and saw a giant mess of cloths. They were seriously everywhere.

"Hey Rowboat. What are you looking for?" I say still looking around at all the cloths.

"Hi guys. I am looking for the perfect outfit because I am planning on going super cheesy and kissing Corey on the top of the Ferris wheel." Rowan said while digging through her closet.

"I'll help you with that" Sarah said and she pulled a black shirt with flowers on it, jean shorts and red sunglass out of the closet.

{The outfit Rowan wore to Auggie and Ocean Maturo's 7th and 3rd birthday party. I am going to add Auggie and Ocean into a chapter of the fanfic soon}

"It's perfect!!" Rowan practically screamed. Then she went in the bathroom and put it on while me and Sarah waited in her room.

5 minutes later Corey comes upstairs into Rowan's room. I'm assuming Carmen let him in.

"Hi Corey" all three of us say and Rowan goes and kisses him on the cheek.

"Hi girls" Corey says.

The four of us talk for about ten more minutes until Bradley and Peyton arrive and then we leave and go to the fair.

We get there and we all split up. Sarah and Peyton went to the fun house and Corey and Rowan go to the Ferris wheel to get Rowan's cheesy idea of kissing Corey on the top. They leave me and Bradley all alone. I'm guessing it is ones of his plans.

"Want to go to the bumper cars?" I ask him

"Sure" He says.

I think he was a little shocked that I asked him to doing something first. The both of us walked to the bumper cars and waited on line for about five minutes. We both go into separate cars and the man running the ride started up the cars. My goal was to hit Bradley as many times as possible and I think his was to hit my car as many times as possible too because we pretty much only bumped into each other and not other people. After like three minutes the cars stopped and everyone got off the ride.

"That was really fun. I liked bumping into you the most" I said

"It was really fun! Bumping into you was the best part!" He agreed.

"Where should we go to now?" I asked

"What about the roller coaster?" He asked

"Sure" I said and we walked over to the roller coaster. Surprisingly there was no line so we got right on.

The worker started the ride and I screamed the entire time and Bradley just laughed at me. I guess he found my screaming cute.

After that all six of use met up and got lunch and then we all went on some rides together. Around five we decided we should start heading back to our houses. We all got in Peyton's car. He dropped Corey and Bradley off at there houses and dropped me and Rowan off at Rowan's house. Sarah and Peyton decided to go out to dinner together. Me and Rowan were going to hang out at her house and then I will probably end up sleeping over.

We went up to her room and changed. Then we sat on her bed.

"So did you live your little fantasy of kidding Corey on the Ferris wheel?" I asked her

"Yes and it was so magical. I loved every second of it" She said.

"That's great!" I said. I love how much Rowan loves Corey and Corey loves Rowan. It is so cute.

"What about you and Bradley? When are you too going to start dating?" Rowan asked.

The day Bradley came over when me, Sarah and Rowan were having our girls day. I told them both about the whole thing and how Bradley wants to break the wall around my heart. Since then they have been totally obsessed and want to know every single detail about when I hangout with Bradley. I don't understand why. They have there own relationships to focus about.

"I told you a million times Rowan, I don't want or need a boyfriend." I said to her

"He obviously likes you. I just know brabrina will happen!" Rowan said

"Brabrina?" I said as a question.

"That's my ship name for you two" Rowan said.

Like I said, obsessed. "Ok let's change the subject. I hate talking about boyfriends and love. It's just not my thing." I said.

"Ok. So what should we do today. We can go swimming, you can sleepover, we can binge watch Glee and sing to every single song" Rowan said

"How about we do all 3!" I said very enthusiastically

"Ok! How about you go home and get cloths then come back in like a hour?"

"Ok see you in a hour" I said and left her house and walked back to my house since it is only around the corner.

{Right now I have all the chapters up to 15 made so I will be posting a new chapter everyday for a while. I write like 5 chapters a day (500 to 1000+ words) It's my new addiction 😂}

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