Chapter 45

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Flash back:

It's New Year's Eve. Every year me and my 4 friends, Rowan, Corey, Peyton and Bradley and sister, Sarah have a little party together. Sarah and Peyton are dating and so are Corey and Rowan. I'm honestly so ready for 2016, I have a feeling good things will come.

11:59 pm:

It's almost midnight and all 6 of us are around the tv in Rowan's living room about to see the ball drop.

At 10 seconds before midnight all of us start chanting "10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1" and then its midnight, Sarah and Peyton kiss and so do Rowan and Corey and me and Bradley just kind of stand there awkwardly.

"Happy New Year Sabrina" He says to me.

"Happy New Year" I say back. That was probably the most I have ever spoken to him.

Present day:

2017 is coming and I can't wait. 2016 has probably been the best year of my life and I hope it just keeps getting better from here.

Every year me, Bradley, Sarah, Peyton, Rowan and Corey throw a little party. This year we are having it at mine and Sarah's house.

Me and Sarah got the living room set up with a bunch of decorations and 2017 hats and funny 2017 glasses. My parents are going out to a party tonight so they won't be home. That's normally how we choose who's house to have it at. We just choose whoever's parents won't be home.

So everyone said they will start arriving at 7:30ish. It's 7 now so they should be here soon.

So at 7:30 Peyton and Bradley arrive and Rowan and Corey arrive a little after that.

So we all hangout and talk for hours. We play a few games too.

So at midnight we did the same thing probably everyone else all over the world was doing, we chanted "10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Happy New Year" After that the usual Peyton and Sarah kissed, Rowan and Corey kissed but this year me and Bradley kissed. It was the perfect New Year.

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