Yandere!Merman!Gray Fullbuster (FairyTail) - Stalking His Prey

Start from the beginning

I never did see that man again, but neither did I ever see my mom. I could only pray that she survived, just as I hoped that he did not. If I had known what the future had in store for me, I might have jumped from the liferaft myself, if only to spare myself and the others aboard the fate that was in store for us.


For the first time in far longer than he wanted to think about, curiosity slipped its way into his senses, the sight of that one small boat drifting in the water drawing his attention without causing his rage to build. He doubted that it was because of something as foolish as their strong will to live, nor did he think it had anything to do with the fact that there were females on board, having never paused in the past just because there was a woman screaming in fear or pleading for mercy before him.

Shaking his head with a grimace of disgust at his own foolish show of said mercy, he flicked his long, dark tail once more before heading down into the depths of his realm, leaving the boat with nothing more than a fresh coat of frost to numb the fingers of those aboard.

"I'll deal with them later. If they even survive the night," a dark smirk flashed across his lips before the sound of cruel laughter trailed through the waters behind him.


Taking a deep, shuddering breath, I pulled again on the stick in my hands, wrapping the string quickly around it as I fought to bring in the fish that would hopefully become part of the meal tonight. With luck, it would be the first of many and we could go to bed with full stomachs for the first time since we found this frozen wasteland of an island. The first night had been the worst, of course, each of us mourning the loss of loved ones who had been aboard the ship with us.

Not that all of us had survived this ordeal, one of the women and an older man having passed away the first night from cold and shock, with the only other woman and a young sailor vanishing the next morning without a trace to be found. We had all been rather wary of the surroundings after that, wondering which of us might be next to disappear.

Even now, I swear I could feel something watching me, a sensation we all swore we could feel from time to time since that morning.


"I wonder if I should kill them today," his voice questioned softly, ice cold fingers gently trailing over the icy shore he watched the human from.

Still unsure why he hadn't ended their existence already, he watched on in curiosity as she pulled at the stick again. He almost gave his position away with a bark of laughter when she stumbled back, the line finally wrapped almost fully around the simple "fishing rod" one of the men had created, a fish flapping tiredly around her feet as she jumped and shouted in happiness.

The smile on her face at that moment was breathtaking to the young-looking merman, his eyes wide as he heard her begin laughing. The sound was like nothing he had ever heard before, musical in ways even the ocean he loved so much couldn't match.

Maybe he could wait a little longer before he killed these humans...


The smell of slowly cooking fish filled the air, the smoke trailing into the sky as we gathered close for whatever warmth we could gain from the small fire. We were just lucky that this snow-covered island seemed to have once been a lush and thriving place, the now dead trees providing a decent amount of firewood for the time being, although none of us wanted to think about how long it would last. Nobody wanted to imagine being here long enough to have burned even half of the wood they could provide us.

"(Y/n), could you gather some of those smooth rocks you found earlier? If I build up the fire a bit more after cooking the fish, we can warm the rocks tonight and heat up our bedrolls, even if just for a while," the grizzled looking deckhand asked, a small smile trying to peek past the exhaustion that plagued us all after a hard days work.

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