Chapter Five: Googleplier

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You stood up, moving to the side so you had more room to fight him. You two circled each other, you trying to keep away from Google and Google attempting to "aquire" you.

"Okay, Google," You had an idea, it worked for Matthias. "Find Darkiplier."

"You are not my owner." He gave you that smile that wasn't quite right. He lunged directly at you, but you managed to throw a punch. After you struck him, you held your hand in pain. Yup, he was definitely made of metal, but his skin felt human.

Google lunged again, this time catching you off guard. He quickly picked you up over his shoulder. You were squirming the best you could, but he was much stronger than a human.

"Put me down, asshole!" You yelled, scratching your nails against his back. You searched for something like a hatch that might let you reprogram him. This isn't a movie like the Terminator. Even if I found it, I probably couldn't​ shut him down.

"Did you mean: Put me in the ground, a hole?" He asked, his voice didn't sound human anymore. "I can most definitely do so."

"No!" You felt a shiver travel through your body. He held onto you tighter, walking faster through the basement. You felt him traveling up stairs now, taking care that he didn't drop you.

You gave up your fight, knowing you couldn't win right now. You stared at the floor that was now carpeted, you figured you were on the main floor.

Google entered a room and closed the door behind him. He threw you to the floor and stared down at you. He was calm and collected, making it difficult for you to predict what he would do.

"Google, who owns you?" You asked him, after getting back on your feet.

"Wilford Warfstache." He said stoically, his hands lax by his sides. You kept your distance, knowing he would easily lash out if given the order to do so.

"Why do you obey him?" You tested to see how much you could pry.

"It is my primary objective." He didn't remove his eyes from yours. He wasn't letting you out of his sight.

"Is that your only objective?" You were curious how you could swing this in your favor. Where there is a will, there is a way.

"My secondary objective is to destroy mankind." His eye twitched in the slightest.

"You know Wilford is apart of mankind, right?" You slowly inched away from him, taking precaution if he decided to strike you.

"So are you." He put on a devious smile that made you want to run far away. Google was stalking in your direction now, you couldn't run from him. There was nothing in the room you were in, nowhere to hide.

"Doesn't that mean following Wilford's orders conflicts with your secondary objective?" You were treading more carefully than before, this didn't seem to be going in the way you wanted it to.

"W-what?" He glitched, your words were now having their desired effect. You thought that just maybe you could break him.

"Why do you have to listen to him?" You were getting closer, now. "Why can't you be autonomous?"

"He has not agreed to terms and services." Google stopped glitching, he regained control over his body. Fuck

"What are the terms-" You started, only for him to cut you off.

"Shut up! I can't interrogate you if you keep asking questions!" He displayed irritation for the first time.

"Why not?" You smirked, remembering when Matthias pulled this same move.

"Well b-b-be" He stuttered, his body shaking rapidly. His body fell to the ground, shutting down.

You stared at Google, carefully stepping over him. He didn't stir. You opened the door that previously trapped you, taking care to walk quietly as possible.

You vaguely remembered exploring this house, but the memory came to you with difficulty. It had been a few years and only one occurrence here was still vivid to you.

You found the main oak stairs to the second floor. They looked magnificent still, but this house had a negative association to you. You reached the second floor and cringed with every creaky step you took. You made an attempt at being quiet, but the floor wasn't having it now.

"Mark? Can you hear me?" You called out to him, hoping he would reply. You waited, but nothing happened.

You could either look in every room until you found Mark, hoping not to come across anymore egos, or you could book it out of here as fast as possible.

I could find more stuff at the bunker and come back... They can't kill Mark. But they can hurt him more while I'm gone. What should I choose? You brainstormed, finding great difficulty making a decision. You felt guilty for thinking about leaving Mark here alone.

You started to move, going towards a nearby door. You entered and realized that this was your old bedroom! You had missed it, in a strange way. You were curious about what happened to your friend that "lived" in this house.

You went over to your sit-in window that you previously enjoyed. You stared out the window, staring at the clouded sky. Taking a seat in the window, you pondered what room you would enter next. A familiar, distorted voice jarred you from your position.

"Did you miss me?"

Suspicious Minds [Darkiplier/Markiplier x Reader]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ