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Swathi's Pov

I am extremely happy for Prateek,Atlast he got what he deserved.He deserves all this happiness.I checked my wrist watch and looked at the door for Prateek.It's his first day at office as CEO.I am waiting for him.I got call from him early in the morning but I denied brutally

Suddenly my phone started ringing,It's a private number,I lifted the call after a stream of thoughts poked in my mind.

"Hello!"I picked his call for the very first call,my smile turned into a frown soon I learnt its him.

"Are you okay?"I could ask him with a pale face,What will he say now?I am scratching my head out of suspence.

"I am fine but I want to meet you once,I have something to say in person"He whispered and I can sense he is not at home,he is midst of the traffic.

I sighed and looked at my mobile."Are you sure?"I asked a bit harshly.

"Just give me a chance to proove myself,Please"He is begging on other side.I sighed and frowned looking at the mirror.

I looked at the clock and kept a sulky face.Should I go.Its 9 and Prateek will be coming for me at any time.

"Please,For Shreya's sake"He begged literally.I sighed and went to his home.

I am standing out side of his house and rang the calling bell.

"Hello,any body there?"I shouted.

"Come in"He peeped through the half ajar door.

"What?"I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Please,I swear I won't harm you,I won't misbehave with you,you are just like my sister"He said in a worried tone.

"Okay"My eyelids fluttered in worry.

"Please"He smiled nervously.

I went in sat on sofa looking here and there.

"Have it"He handed me a glass of juice smiling nervously.

"Thank you"I stuttered.

"Noone knows I am alive"He sighed and looked down.

"I know"I slipped my tongue as I learnt about him from Prateek.

"Oh!"He said pursing his lips.

"I learnt it from Prateek.He told me that you were dead"I smiled awkwardly.

"I am hiding,I was brutally beaten that day and threatened by a guy,Hence I am hiding under a veil"He said keeping a blank face as tears pooled up in his eyes.

"Who are they?"I questioned him hesitantly.

"I will let you know everything but before that I want you to give few pictures to Shreya"He sighed.

"What?"I felt weird,What is he saying?What if Shreya misunderstands me?What will Prateek think about me?

"Wait"He went to his room and handed me a cover.I looked around and found a photoframe dangling to the wall.

If I am not wrong its Shreya with a boy in her teens,They are smiling at each other wearing school uniforms.Is that he?

I gulped and felt worried,I just want to run away from here.

"Please"He placed a cover in my hands and begged with his eyes.

I left the place,I hurried to office.I saw Prateek in his cabin.It's his first day as CEO I just ruined his plans very brutally,mercilessly.I just scolded myself for doing it to him.

Guilt occupied my heart,It stopped for a second soon I saw him gazing at me with a worried face.Am I worthy of it.I frowned and looked away.

He is looking at me all the time.My heart was fluttering at the sight,He walked in a tuxedo suit with his family yesterday.I couldn't take my eyes off from him.I slowly gained my senses and walked to him and occupied a seat beside him.

I saw his finger shivering and observed few sweat beads on his forehead,I couldn't stop myself holding his hand.

Yesterday was the best day,I was happy for Prateek,Just because of this guy,this person I couldn't go to Prateek's house last evening,I just rejected the invention by aunty saying a very lame excuse.How could I?I was in my own thoughts.

I then realized that Prateek was about to ask few days time from investors for presentation but Somehow I managed to gave a presentation to them which was prepared by me for no reason.

Prateek praised me with his eyes and mouthed"Thank you"I just wanted to kiss him badly,May be guilt in me just wants me to confess my love to him as such yet I ran away from here in the evening.

Prateek came to flat and I doubt whether he overheard my conversation with him on Phone.

I just rushed to him and hugged him said sorry and shared a passionate kiss,a part of me is not yet convinced.I think I should tell him,But my conscience stopped me,What if he hates me for everything?!What if he thinks I decieve Shreya by supporting this guy,Fear in me stopped me from confessing

He is standing there before me with wide open eyes I don't know what to say.

"Are you okay?"He asked me in concern.

"I am fine"I wet my dried lips with my tongue.

"Sure?"He downed his head a bit and asked looking into my eyes.

"I am fine"I nodded smiling nervously.

"Okay"He frowned.

We just chatted for a while yet I couldn't disclose the actual reason behind my Weirdness.

"I know you are upset with my behaviour"He looked at me with a pale face.

"I am not"I chocked at a lump formed in my throat.

"I know I hurt you badly,You want to know about that girl right?"He questioned me.

"No"I sprug up from chair and hugged him looking into his  deep eyes.

"Sorry"He whispered.

"I don't want to listen anything"I twirled and couldn't stop my tears.

"Please give me a chance I will let you know everything"His eyes became wet.

"I believe you,I don't want to listen about her"I closed my ears with my hands.

"Swathi,Please"He screamed in pain,Yet I don't want to know because I believe him.

I just walked to my room and shut the door and slumped there on floor and is crying profusely.

I looked at the cover and saw what he has given to me asking me to give it to shreya.

I saw greeting cards,love quotes and few pictures of them both.Shreya and him.

Hema dear its for you hope u like it as u asked How was Swathi taking everything

Mending cold heartsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon