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Prateek's Pov.

"Hello!"My heart skipped for a second,It is Swathi.I couldn't stop smiling,She herself called me,Oh god!What a pleasant morning yet a part me warned me not to be ecstatic as we didn't solve our issues yet.She is still holding to her misconceptions very firmly.

"Good morning Swathi!"I greeted her pretty quickly with all my happiness.

"Good morning!"She greeted me back and a smile creeped on my lips.

I am a dumbo!I am truly clueless about what is happening around me.Kritik was the one who actually playing the Cupid role.

He did everything thing to make me jealous and make me feel my love,my emotions which I have for her.

He was pretty succeeded in it but His mission:Making Avnu jealous was an utter failure.I pity him and I am truly unhappy to see him brooding in over the issue.

"I need to talk to you"She dragged me out of my enmeshment,my entangled thoughts.

"What?"I took a second to gain my consious and spoke to her.Now I know why does Swathi behave as such,She is purely effected my presence the way I am effected by her.So she stammers and stutters all the time.Oh girl!I am sorry,I took a deep breathe.

Now I know the hardest thing in one's life is to hide our love,hide our emotions,pretend that the opposite person is nothing to us while we love them with whole heart.

"Come to office now,I need to talk to you an important thing."She talked a bit curtly and cut the call abruptly.

"Swathi!"I shouted on phone but no use,I looked at the phone and just wanted to bang it to floor somehow controlled my fury.

I got up with heavy eyes,feeling deprived of sleep.I am surprised to see a message from Shreya on Whatsapp!

"Do you know this number'...98678.....?!If yes message me immediately!"I felt weird for a second.She didn't greeted me or messaged me a single word about my parents,she just posted this stupid number and asking me whether I know this person?What's wrong with this girl.I am intrigued by her actions.

"Shreya!"I called her immediately and she picked the call for the very first ring!Eight wonder,definitely.

"Good morning Bhaiyya!"She sounds very much worried.

"Is anyone annoying you?Are they causing you any trouble?"I felt very protective about my little sister so suddenly though I sounded a bit demanding.

"No!Nothing Bhaiyya!"She cooed on other side.

"Tell me Shreya if anything is there as such,I swear I will see their end"Suddenly I became so angry,the thought itself is distributing me.

"Promise Bhaiyya,Nothing is there as such"She said very quickly giving me no time to access the situation.

"Then what about the message?"I felt like I am interrogating her yet I am helpless.Sometimes I am so possessive and protective.

"Some of my friends played a prank on me,So I just asked you,ofcourse everyone whether they know this number?Later she revealed that it's my friend's number."She gasped some air as she explained me everything in a go.

"Okay!"I said as if I am agreeing with her words.

"Bye Bhaiyya!"She too cut the call abruptly,What's happening?!I am completely baffled.

I went to office with a distrubed mind,I know Swathi just prepared a question bank for me meanwhile.

"Swathi"I went straight to her chamber and stood infront of her.

"Hai Prateek Mishra!"She grinned crazily.

"Swathi!"I shouted what if any one hears my name.

"Then what is all this Prateek?"She placed a file infront of me.

"What?!"I am embarrassed now why is she talking to me like that,When and how my kitten grew as a Tigeress?!I am puzzled because of smug smile on her lips,she is very rude and coarse.

"What is all this?"She pushed a file on the table towards me

"What is it?"I grabbed it quickly and glanced at it.

"Why are you doing all this Prateek?Why are you faking your identity?What are your intentions?"She asked me looking into my eyes without any fear.

I couldn't see the quiver,fear I used to see in her before.She thinks me as a cheater.I just laughed at my situation,I love her and I am attracted to her,Here I came to her to confess my feelings where she is treating me like a fraud.Oh god!I laughed aloud.

"What are your intentions Prateek?I saw you there at the hospital capturing every moment of Mishra's?!I learnt you met Sameer even?What is all this?"She almost yelled at me.

"Why should I answer you Swathi?"I sat there infront of her beaming at her.

I didn't get angry at her as I used to get earlier,though I got provoked by her words I can't scold her anymore.I am laughing at her questions,I am enjoying her words.Yet I felt very sad she is calling me cheater and my intentions are bad!Oh god!!

"Please Prateek,Stop it!"She just slumped in her chair.

"Take this!"I handed her a glass of water.

"Please Prateek,I beg you,Don't do anything as such,You can't!"She said rubbing her forehead and wiping the sweat drops with hand kerchief.

"I promise I won't do anything that harm Mishra's"I said seriously.

"What?!Really?!But why?!'...."She is truly happy with my promise yet bewildered for sure.

"Who I am?"I asked her.

"What?!"She looked at me with a quizzical expression.

"Tell me,Who I am?"I heaved a sigh and fixated my looks on her.

"Prateek..."She looked around taking another gulp of water.

"Prateek....?!"I raised my brow asking me to reveal my full name.

"Prateek Mishra!"She mouthed.

"How could I harm my family"I smiled.

"What?!"She took sometime to gain the control over her gaping jaw and I left smirking.

"What?!"She took sometime to gain the control over her gaping jaw and I left smirking

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Myself Mr.Prateek Mishra.....Prateek's confession to Swathi...We are a family

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