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Swathi's Pov

"Shall we go now Swathi?"Prateek smiled at me asking me to come with him.

"Okay!"I instantly supressed my fury and looked at him with a blank face

It's became too hard for me to pretend,I know these two guys are playing with me.It's all about Avni,Avni confessed her love for Kritik yesterday to me on phone,She loves Kritik a lot from ages,Each of them are waiting for others to confess first.

They are playing these kinds of pranks with each other from years they are waiting for exact moment and this time they dragged me into it without my fault and This guy Prateek is just a jerk,Both of these friends have to pay for what they are doing to me.

Prateek,What did he think about me?How could I go to ocean with him as such?I know I am a nervous wreak but it never mean that take me granted for everything.I too have a heart damn it and I too have feelings,I am controlling my tears.

I know I can't say no to him as I have a huge crush on him,it never means he can play with my heart when ever he wants.

I picked my phone and called Avni,I told her everything.She is also coming to Ocean park.

"Hey,Are you okay?"He asked me suddenly dragging me out of my thoughts.

"Fine!"I smiled back and followed him without a word.

"Are you okay?"He asked me while getting into the car in a concerned tone.

"I am okay"I just nodded and watched him,he looks so worried but why?!Does he care for me?!Weird!!

It was just a 15 minutes ride and it was filled with appalling serenity .

We just gazed at each other with sullenness.His somber eyes are capturing my every moment from a corner yet he is very reluctant to look into my eyes.

"Swathi"He called my name very
Softly,gently for the very first time in my lifetime.Oh my god!

"What?!"I looked at him with cold eyes.I don't want to quiver like a pigeon anymore.I have decided.

"I just want to confess something"He stood there infront of me with a tensed expression on his face.I feel like we just exchanged our roles,He is standing there dumbstruck.

"What?!"I stammered unintentionally,I cursed myself,Why I am born like this?I am not naive,I am not a brainless person yet I can't defend myself.I am a coward,a nervous wreak,Though people call me innocent I am not an innocent,I am a coward.I am controlling my tears.I am back again,in the very next second.I won't be like this anymore,not with this guy.

"Hey,Are you okay?"He lowered his head a bit and looked into my eyes as intrigued by my actions,He looks so concerned.Wht?!

"How many times I have to tell you that I am okay?"I burst out so suddenly that too unexpectedly.

"What?!"He looked around and gazed at me with a painfull eyes.He felt bad for a second,he felt indignated by my words,He stuttered something"I am sorry"

"What?!"I felt weird for a second why is he apologising me so suddenly,Is he playing a prank again?So now its his turn to fool me.

"Again a prank,Prankster"I flared at him with furious eyes.

"What?What are you saying?What are you talking about?I am completely clueless,Please"He said in adjuring tone.

"Oh Really?"I asked in sarcastic way.

"You misunderstood me"He was so vociferous.

"I don't want to listen to you"I shouted back vehemently.

"Please"He is walking behind me.

"Run....Run....Run"We looked at the crowd infront of us clamouring at us.

"What is happening?"He caught a guys shoulder and asked him.

"Heard a Psychopath is roaming around with a gun,He shot a guy"He ran away instantly loosening my grip.

"Is that true?"It was frightful to listen and looked at him,Prateek.

"I don't believe this"He shook his head and chuckled.

"Are you mad?"I hollered.

"Just don't heed them,Please"He is still smirking,He has gone out of his mind.

"If I stay with you I will end up in hell,I am going"I made few hefty steps hoping him to follow me,How could I leave him as such?!I am praying inside!Just run away man!

"Come with me"He snatched my hand hastily and dragged me to a near by restaurant inside the park.I felt a bit relieved he is with me holding my hand.I won half of the battle.We looked around and saw people running all around us.

"What are you doing?"I am doing my best to free my hand as he is clenching my hand firmly.

"Shut up!"He shushed me.

I didn't do anything but threw a death glare."Sorry"He just frowned and shrugged his shoulders.

He sat behind a table and tugged my hand to sit on floor beside him,I did it without a word.

"What are we doing?"I whispered in his ear.

"Can't you see,We are hiding behind a table"He smiled at me mockingly.

"You won't change!"I cursed him.

"Please"He begged.

We stayed there for few minutes and he dragged me to gate after few minutes.

We stepped out of the park and reached his bike almost running.

"Do you believe all this stuff?"He asked me almost laughing.

"Shut up"I looked at him angrily.

"We heard it through grapevine,,according to my knowledge it just a prank,publicity stunt ,purely a humbug"He is about to start a lesson.

"Aahhhh!Aaahh"We heard a scream and its........A guy came and collapsed on ground in front of us..


Sameera Mishra.

He is there wincing in pain,lying in a pool of bed,just looking all around for help.

He is there wincing in pain,lying in a pool of bed,just looking all around for help

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Swathi's new name to Prateek:Prankster

Mending cold heartsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن