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Prateek's Pov

"Hai"I greeted Swathi who came to office a bit lately.

"I am sorry?Did I make you wait !"She mouthed and peeped around.

"No?!What?!"I aksed quickly pointing her gestures.

"Mr.Rohith Mishra?!"She looked at his cabin and frowned.

"He hasn't came yet"I frowned.

"Have you........?!"Her eyes widened for a second in response to smirk on my lips and very suddenly she cut her sentence looking into my eyes.

Wow!I am lucky,my gaze,my smile is enough for her to read my thoughts,Such a smart girl,I chuckled at her.

"Wait and watch!"I looked at her with the same smirk dancing on my lips

"You are such a mystery"She whispered in my ear,accusing me with her sharp eyes,raising her tone in octave.

"Not less than you,your eyes"I looked at her face,She got such an expressive eyes.Oh god!Her one glance is equivalent to thousand words.

"Hey!What are you both doing in office?Please do look at your surroundings now and then,I know you both are busy with some ...!"Krithik appeared from no where chuckling,giggling.

"Why are you here?What does it mean?Are you both planning something?"She asked at us each other looking one after other.

"What?!What are you talking about?"Krithik looked at Swathi with a baffled face.

"Ha ha"I can't stop laughing aloud.Why are they so curious.

"Idiot,What's your plan?!"Swathi caught my ear and twirled it.

"Thirty more minutes"I smirked at him with constant pf

"Such a mysterious guy you are!"Krithik punched on my shoulder.

"Sir wants to meet all of us in half an hour.Please do come to Meeting hall."I got the most anticipated call from Vikranth.

"Same here!"Swathi waved at phone to me soon he,Vikranth left the place.

"Something is Fishy!?"Krithik looked at me sniffing.

"Keep patience my bro!"I tapped his shoulder and smiled.

We,all employees gathered in the meeting hall.I am waiting for him,Mr.Rohith Mishra,My uncle,I am eager to look into his eyes,his face,his reaction.I am thrilled.

Though Krithik is not our employee,he attended meeting behalf of Pramod uncle as he holds major amount of shares in Mishra's groups.

My eyes are glued to the screen,I want to see his face,I am smiling madly,Swathi is totally mad at me,I felt sad for hiding things from her,Even dad too wants me to be very clear to her but I am not sure how things will chance as time proceeds.So I kept my mouth shut and I know I have to pay for this.

"Oh Swathi!"I sighed and looked away.

There he comes.Mr.Rohith Mishra came with Ashok and all of us stood up and greeted our boss.I am waiting for my moment,my life time moment.A moment to cherish.

"Good morning,everyone!"My uncle started his speech.

It was pin drop silence all around.Everyone is eagerly looking at him.

"I am very happy to introduce you Mr.Ashok,our new board member in Mishra industries."He looked at us all and everyone clapped for a second.

"It is our Previlege to have him as one of the board members and Managing directors of the firm.He is a well known business magnet in India and has several businesses over abroad too..."My uncle Rohith is busy in giving an introduction about over very own rival Ashok.

My eyes are searching for Vikrant and he was standing there in the corner smiling at me.

"I am happy to......"Rohith uncle is really busy in praising him.I saw Ashok there smiling,smirking at everyone with smug in his eyes.

Swathi and Krithik are tensed and looking at me all the time.

Suddenly Vikrant came to dias and started his presentation.He is presenting an Audio video presentation about Ashok and the new businesses Mishra's are going to do together in collaboration.

Actually my uncle gave him Position and Power in return to the money he gave him for those shares and house he sold to him.

He is trying his best to cover up his collateral deal,he is shamelessly pretending that its pure business done for the sake of enhancement of our company and employees.Will he ever change?!.I doubt many times.

"Wait a second!"We heard a very familiar voice and its none other than Mr. Shashank Pradyumna ACP.

"Please do play this video for a second"He came in formals and smiled at everyone of us.

"What is it?!"Ashok stood up and stammered at Pradyumna

"Just watch once"He smiled at him and Vikrant is doing his job.
He quickly grabbed the Pendrive he has given and played it.

"I will see their end,Mishra's will be squashed,squeezed and pummeled to death"Ashok is laughing like a maniac in the video clip.

"I still can't get over my dad's death,I saw him thriving for help in pool of blood.Though it was an accident by Mr.Rohith Mishra.He is the one who killed my dad.He is the one who is responsible for my dad's death.Either directly or indirectly however it may be he has to pay for his deeds.He is a cold blooded murderer.I will kill all their heirs,young Mishra's.If not I will bring them to road at least,Can't I do it for my dad?!"He is laughing like a mania.

I looked at Vikrant,He is the other person to whom Ashok is confessing his deeds,sins.He brilliantly edited the video and its only Ashok who is visible and confessing his sins so happily.Wow!I bet he wouldn't have expected it.!I felt happy that I saved my family from him, from his wicked plan successfully.

I felt satisfied eagerly looking for dad's entry.!Oh god!I am blushing and its really different this time.

"What's is all this?!"Mr.Rohith Mishra,My uncle looked at him,he is worried sweating profoundly.

"He is the one who planned all those attacks.He is the one who attacked your son and your daughter.He even attacked your brother's daughter,you even don't know that?Pity you!She was almost dead in that attack.What he needs is revenge,nothing else!He did his best to threaten you,create panic in your minds.He got succeeded and he shifted focus on your businesses and Mishra industries.You blindly without knowing his intentions made him partner in business "Pradyumna caught Ashok's collar and sighed at constables to take him away.

Everyone left the place after whispering a bunch of words,sentences in each other's ears.I didn't flinch an inch,I saw my dad entering the hall.

"What to do?!I sold all those major shares and properties to him"My uncle Rohith is whispering to himself forgetting that he is still holding his mike to his shirt.

"Don't worry Bhaiya you didn't sell him anything"Dad just came and stood in front of him who slumped there on the floor.

"Sourya!"He is surprised to see his dad first.He caught his shoulders and make his stood up.

"Those were blank papers now though you both signed on them"Dad smiled at him,he lifted his head and looked at dad baffled with gleaming eyes.

"It was a trick played by us. We used a pen whose ink will be diappeared after a day,So basically you both signed with it Disappearig ink pen.Don't worry and that money was transferred through online.So we practically threw our rival on roads."He smiled at him.

I am watching every moment of them from a corner while I noticed Swathi talking to someone on Phone,almost crying,begging the other person.Now what has happened?!I felt so sad to see her like that,I followed her without a word.

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