thirty one

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I had just turned my phone on when it started ringing. I raised my eyebrows in surprise and pressed it to my ear.


"Liz! I'm going to put the phone to Harry's ear and I need you to calm him the hell down! He's just woken up and he's going crazy because we aren't telling him where you are!" Zayn's voice exclaimed. 

"Go ahead." I told him. There was the sound of a door opening and I could immediately hear a loud repeating banging noise with Harry yelling 'just tell me where she is!'

"Harry! Harry! It's Elisabeth on the pho-" before Zayn could finish, I heard a rustling sound that sounded a lot like Harry snatching the phone from Zayn. I tried my best not to erupt in a fit of giggles. These boys, I swear. 

"Liz? Babe?" Harry muttered. I smiled at the sound of his voice, much calmer but filled with worry.

"Hey, I'm fine, Haz. No need to cause a commotion." I assured, but Harry was persistent. 

"Tell me where you are, Elisabeth. I'm worried sick. Did that Jake guy kidnap you and he's making you tell me this stuff over the phone?" 

I rolled my eyes a little but if Harry was in my situation, I'd be worried sick too.

"Nope. I'll be there in about two hours, don't worry. I'll tell you everything when I get home. You should be able to check out in an hour, yes? I'll meet you right at home. And don't worry about me, I'm with Liam."

Harry made a huffing noise, grumbling like a five year old, and I couldn't hold back my laughter.

"Don't laugh at me!" Harry exclaimed, and I could easily imagine his big pout, and that made me really start to miss him, only after a day. 

"Hey I'm gonna go. I'll be there soon to kiss you a lot." I teased, and I could hear Louis yelling at Niall in the background for stealing his crisps. 

"Can't wait." Harry said, and I could practically feel his warm smile. 

Love bloomed in my chest, as it always did when I thought of Harry.


Harry was, indeed, out of the hospital when we got back. They told him that he would not be able to do a lot of moving around for a while so that he wouldn't open up the stitches, and they had given him a bottle of pills for the pain. Harry seemed to wince every time he moved, but he was smiling really big when he pulled me into a hug. 

"Hated waking up without you there. Soon enough I'll be waking up to your face everyday."

And okay, this was new. We hadn't talked too much about a future together, other than talking about Harry breaking the bond that I have with Louis when the older boy's teeth marks scar disappears from my neck, so this made a warm feeling spread through my body and tingle in my toes. 

But he didn't know yet. I couldn't get my hopes too far up. 

"Harry? Who shot you?" I asked, and the boy tensed up a little in my arms. I held him tighter, but he pulled away to frown down at me. 

"I don't-I can't remember who it was." He says, and he looks like he's so disappointed in himself, and I coo, reaching up and scratching at his curls, rolling my eyes a little at his head scarf. He's so weird. I love him so much. 

"That's okay, you don't have to remembe-"

"What is it?" Harry asked suddenly, cutting me off. I furrowed my eyebrows and Harry winced and backed up to sit down on the couch. I guessed it hurt more to stand. I followed and sat down next to him, and gave him a questioning look. The other boys were in the kitchen baking cookies and cake and whatever else to celebrate what Harry didn't know yet, so me and the boy were alone in the room. 

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