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It had been a week since I had last seen Harry. Nick had made sure that I hadn't went to see him anyways, because every second of everyday I just wanted to jump up and rush to their flat and kiss him. I hadn't seen any of the boys since Niall had come over and given me my bag of things with a sympathetic look, and I had just sighed and thanked him, looking down sadly at it.

Last I had heard, they had gone over to Manchester for something. Nick only gave me short and blunt answers when I asked how they were doing, and it annoyed me very much, but I tried to not be too annoyed. He just cared.

But despite the fact that I was actually quite scared of Harry, I missed him very much.

The front door opened, taking me from my thoughts.

"Elisabeth?" Nick's voice carried through the house, and I rolled my eyes dramatically. I have been bored out of my mind, not able to even go out of the house once.

"You don't have to call my name every time you get home. I'm not able to go out anyways."

He entered the living room with a chuckle, tossing his phone on the couch next to me, and setting a few bags on the floor. I rolled my eyes again. They were going to fall out of my head soon if I keep rolling them, I'm sure. "I wanna go out-" I started, but I was interrupted by Nick's phone ringing.

Nick reached for it, but I beat him to it, swiping the circle to the right, and pressing the phone to my ear, ignoring Nick's "Hey!"

"Hello! Grimmy's phone. Elisabeth speaking." I spoke in a loud voice, and Nick sat down next to me and laughed at my greeting. I dodged his grab at the phone and giggled.

"Elisabeth?" Niall's voice came through the receiver. I immediately tensed up. His voice was scratchy and cracking, like he had just woken up.

"Niall? Are you okay?" I asked, and Nick gave me a questioning look. I shrugged.

I heard a sharp intake of breath, and a muffled "It's okay, Ni." In the background.

"It's Harry, he's in the hospital."


"Overdose?! Are you serious?!" I exclaimed, getting a few looks from the other people in the waiting room.

Niall nodded slowly, and I plopped down in one of the plastic uncomfortable chairs and frowned. Why would Harry attempt suicide? Was it something I did? Did someone do something to cause it? I felt guilty for not fighting against Nick and going to Harry anyways, despite what they had said.

A nurse entered the waiting room and gave us all a small smile. The five of us stood up and waited patiently while the lady looked over a clipboard. Louis was nowhere in sight. We hadn't seen him the entire time.

"Hello." she greeted, and we all chorused quiet hello's.

"Well, we were able to successfully pump Mr. Styles' stomach, and he is now okay. He is awake and allowed to have visitors. Mr. Tomlinson is asleep, so only two at a time, please." she spoke.

A wave of relief washed over the group, and I wiped furiously at the tears threatening to escape.


"Harry?" Nick spoke quietly, Louis sound asleep in the chair next to the bed, pulled all the way up to Harry's bed, his neck at an odd angle that would for sure bother him when he woke up. He had obvious tear stains on his cheeks, and his hand was tightly holding onto Harry's.

"Hi." croaked out Harry, without looking at us.

I sat down in one of the chairs, Nick doing the same next to me. It was silent for a while, tension filling the room. I tried to brake it.

"I didn't know vampires were able to get sick." I spoke, my voice shaky.

Harry laughed a loud sarcastic fake laugh. I winced at the sound. "That's what you say after not seeing me for an entire week? Did you even try to come see me? Do you even care anymore?"

"I'm sorry," I spoke quietly, looking down at my lap and avoiding Harry's intense gaze. I knew it wasn't my fault, that Harry was the one who told everyone I couldn't see him, but I didn't want to start a fight here so I didn't speak up.

"How long has he been in here?" Nick asked, looking at Louis, changing the subject.

Harry smiled a small sad smile and squeezed his hand. "Since he found me on the bed. That idiot wouldn't let me die, he just had to come home early. I even had a note and everything, but he's been freaking out and wouldn't sleep until I finally woke up. At least that's what I was told."

Nick laughed. "Yeah, he can be an idiot."

Louis' eyes suddenly fluttered open, and he sat up, taking his hand from Harry's and stretching out his neck with a wince. "I'm not asleep you know, idiot." he sassily remarked, and the tension finally left the room as we all chuckled.

Louis stood up, and kissed Harry's head, who smiled at him. "Just be glad I'm his best friend, or he wouldn't be here right now. I'll go get you some water, Haz." he spoke, with a sad smile.

The green eyed boy smiled gratefully. "Thank you."

Louis walked out of the room, quietly shutting the door after him, and Harry turned to look at us, playing with his fingers nervously, his eyes focused on the small space between me and Nick's bodies.

"So why didn't you fight to come see me? When I like, cry or whatever, I tend to say things I don't actually want to happen."

I bit my lip. "I thought you didn't want to see me after you had said that. Plus, I was, like, a bit-I-um,"

Harry looked up into my eyes, his green orbs glistening. "Scared I would hurt you?" he spoke quietly, speaking the truth that I didn't want to say.

I looked away from his intense stare, not wanting to see him be emotional.

"I understand," he spoke, "that is what I would have done too, if I was dating a murderer. You should'nt have told her, Nick."

I looked back at him, to see a tear rolling down his face. "Harry," I started, about to try to convince him that I didn't see him as a murderer, but he interrupted me by giving us a small sad laugh that broke my heart a bit. I wanted to hold him.

"I knew I should'nt have fallen in love again. I knew it would end like this, with her being to scare to be with me. Nobody loves a monster."

I fish mouthed for a moment, my stomach fluttering at the 'fallen in love' part. "Harry, I don't think you're a-"

He interrupted me once again, "Can you just leave?"

I jerked back, as if I had gotten punched. "What?"

He looked away from us. "Leave, just go. Right now." he hissed, pain sewn into his voice. I wanted to comfort him, but Nick stood up and pulled me away and out of the room.

After telling the boys they could go in now, we made our way out of the hospital and back to Nick's car.

"Lizzy." Nick spoke, a bit of desperation laced in his tone.

"Yes?" I asked. I knew he was going to tell me I wasn't allowed to be depressed again, but I gave him a look, and he changed his mind of his words.

"I love you. I'm always here for you."

I sighed and gave him a small smile. "I know you are. Thank you. I love you too."

He smiled back. "Just making sure."

Cuts, Scars, and Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now