twenty three

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When I woke up, something definitely was different, but I couldn't really place exactly what it was.

I opened my eyes, and the first thing I noticed was that I was strapped down onto a bed. I pulled against the restrains and said the first thing that came to mind.


I stopped my moments, confused as to why I said that. My throat was scratchy and aching for something to drink as I looked around the room, my eyes suddenly making contact with bright yellow ones and I realized with a start I was looking into my reflection.

I gasped, the sound bouncing off the walls in the room. I took it the sight of myself with wide eyes and a gaping mouth.

I was visibly paler, my own blue eyes a bright yellow. I still wore the black clothes I had on, minus the leather jacket, and my hair was loosely hanging off my shoulders, albeit messy. I bit my lip, only to cause myself to hiss, quickly opening my mouth to find fangs.

Just then, all of the events from the night before flooded quickly into my mind.

The serial killer, Louis biting me, Harry yelling my name-

Oh god.



Someone must've heard my scream cause then Niall was in the room, handing me a cup of blood, which I surprised myself and him by quickly gulping it down. I lied back down when I was done, and suddenly everything wasn't as detailed and sharp in front of my eyes.

I glanced back at the mirror to find my fangs disappeared and my eyes were blue again. I looked up at Niall to ask what was going on, even though I had a good idea.


I scrunched up my face in annoyance. Why can't I say anything else? I looked over to Niall with a pleading look and he nodded, slowly unstrapping the retraints over my body. He stood in front of me, looking down at me with a cautious look. 

"Now, I need you to pay close attention Elisabeth." Niall informed me, and I nodded, making eye contact with him.

"Okay. You are now a vampire. I know you're thirsty. Since your thoughts are only filled with a certain urge for Louis, I'll say it for you."

"This is just like Twilight!" he exclaimed in a high pitched voice impression of me. 

I rolled my eyes and chuckled a little, feeling myself calm down a bit. Niall smiled, pleased with my reaction.

"Anyways, so the reason you want to crawl all over Louis is because he bit you. Long story short, Louis and Harry fought a lot and Harry ran off. Last time I heard, he was out all last night at a bar. We've been trying to keep Louis away from this room so he doesn't try to pounce on you, but he looks pretty freaky and keeps chanting your name. Zayn's out looking for Harry and Liam's trying to calm Louis."

I breathed deeply in and out, trying not to think of pouncing on Louis like Niall had mentioned and forced my thoughts straight. What is happening to me?

"We finally found Nick and told him what happened. But him and Harry are both mad at Louis and now I'm going to take you to him."

I nodded and followed Niall out of the room, the urge becoming stronger when I was hit with a wave of smell, which I somehow just knew was Louis. I suddenly found my feet moving quickly, leading me to a door which suddenly opened, revealing Louis. The blue eyed boy quickly grabbed my arm and pulled me in. We sat, staring at each other for a few long moments, before Louis grinned widely and pulled me to him, crashing his lips against mine. 

It could've been hours or minutes later that we stopped kissing, I wasn't sure but my hands were raking through his soft brown hair and he sighed against my neck where he was pressing soft kisses.


The next three days consisted of me and Louis in that room, enjoying each other as much as we could. When we finally felt like we could go a few seconds without each other, we stepped out of the room, and made our way into the living room, where everyone was sat, Will and his family nowhere in sight.

Louis squeezed my hand and I caught sight of Harry. My chest horribly ached as he looked over to us.

He was a mess. His green eyes more of a gray, his curls in a mop on his head, his whole face just screamed depression and I bit my lip anxiously. 

'I'm going to miss you Elisabeth.'

With a start, I realized I had just read his mind.


Sorry it's so short guys.

I'm going to try and update once a day but its hard so don't hate ;)


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