twenty five

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A week later, just when I thought things were going a little towards the better side, Nick showed up seemingly out of nowhere.

I was standing in mine and Niall's room, which I was sleeping in again, when I felt arms circle my waist.

"Nick?" I exclaimed when I turned around in surprise. He was staring down at me, smiling a little. I wrapped by arms around his neck and nuzzled my face in his collarbones.

"I'm so freaking pissed at everyone. I was just barely getting over Harry hitting you, when Tomlinson decides to pop up and turn you. It's some right bullshit, really." He spat, but the whole while he was rubbing my back.

Even though the bond was there, me and Louis were just like normal friends again. Louis and Harry weren't like they used to be, but they were talking again. The bond changed Louis' emotions at some points, and he would glare at anyone who even neared me sometimes, but that was about it.

"Oh god. How did you get here? Please don't hurt any of my boys."

Nick smiled a little, leaning close to kiss my cheek.

"I'll try not to. I'd hate for you to use your new vampire strength on me." He winks, and I grin happily. I had missed him a lot these past few weeks. 

"Anyways, do you wanna come clubbing with me? We haven't been out since forever." he continues, and my mind goes to Louis and our new bond. The bond makes it so we are aware of each others emotions. I wonder if he will know if I am with Nick or not. I bite my lip, not sure. I could always get hungry in the middle of nowhere and then it could be a big blood bath and everything could go wrong. 

My heart started to pick up. So many things can go wrong, being a vampire around humans so early after being turned, especially in a large crowd of humans. 

"I don't think that's a good idea, Nicky." I said, panic settling in my stomach. I couldn't say no to him, but how could I know that it would be safe? 

Before Nick could reply, the door opened and Louis was pulling me away from Nick to the other side of the room, standing in front of me protectively. 

"I could feel you panicking. What did you do Grimshaw? Why are you here?" Louis growls, his eyes bright yellow. They squinted into small angry slits, his mouth opening and showing his fangs. Nick rolled his eyes from across the room.

"That's not your business, Tommo. Besides, I think your the one we have to worry about. Running around changing people who don't want changed, nice job." 

I furrowed my eyebrows and moved so I was standing between the two, looking between them. Louis makes a noise and grabs my hand. I could feel that he was nervous for me, worried that Nick really was trying to hurt me or something. I squeezed his hand reassuringly, and let it drop back down. 

"You guys need to stop this. I can't deal with you two and also Harry fighting every single time you are together. You guys all used to be best mates, remember? Now you can't even bare to look at each other. Now hug and make up or I'm not talking to either of you until you do, Harry included." Harry himself entered the room at that exact moment, and I rolled my eyes as he growled and started towards Nick. Louis stopped the boy, and I watched as they stared at each other for a moment. I read Harry's mind and realized that Louis was telling Harry was was going on. Harry huffed and looked over to me. 

"Seriously?" He said, and I crossed my arms, giving the two boys a look, telling them that I was completely 100% serious. 

They both looked over to Nick, and I watched the three stare at each other for a few long seconds before-

"I'm not doing this. He doesn't deserve to be forgiven." Harry says, rolling his eyes and turning away. Louis makes a noise of agreement, and Nick huffs. "Oh, me? Like you two are so pleasant to be around." 

I shrugged, and eyed the three. "Fine. You three have fun without me because I'm not speaking to any of you until I watch hugging and making up happen with my own eyes. Cheers." I said, giving them a two-fingered salute and turning around, exiting the room to look for the other boys. They were going to give in sooner or later. 

Nick must've left, but he sent me about fifteen texts and calls about hanging out, and I looked at them all, making sure it would give him a notification that I read them, and then just ignored them after that. Harry and Louis both went to casually talk to me, and I pretended they weren't even in the room. They really thought I wasn't serious about it. 

The next day, I was sitting on the couch watching the telly with Liam, when Harry walks in and stuffs his face into my neck. I had slept with Niall, cuddling with him as Harry whined about it from the doorway, saying I was being unfair. I enjoyed the desperate looks from him, and the blush on Niall's cheeks. 

"C'monnnnn babe. Please talk to me. I'm going to die." He circles his arms around my waist and squeezes. I ignore him, folding my hands together and refraining from rubbing his soft curls and kissing his face off. I keep my eyes on the telly, pretending I didn't care. 

I can see Harry's bottom lip moving into a pout, and he nips softly at my jaw. He's been more playful and affectionate with me as the days pass.

"I miss you," He whispers, kissing more firmly, "I love you. Talk to me, baby." he says, desperation laced in his tone.

I just keep watching telly. Harry growls, then pouts some more, before getting up and leaving the room, making little whimpering noises as he leaves. I look away from the show I wasn't even watching and watch him disappear from the room. This is getting hard for me too. The side of my body that Harry was pressed against is tingling. I bite my lip and try to distract myself. Liam snorts and rolls his eyes from next to me.

Harry breaks first. It's a few days later when it happens. Louis is trying to keep up his sassy 'I don't care' act, but I can see him pouting and making little annoyed noises when I hug, talk, or even rest my hand on someone who isn't him. I'm sitting in the living room playing a game with Zayn when Harry walks in, Nick trailing behind him, and he look annoyed too. 

"I'm sorry that I am a dick, Nick, please forgive me." Harry says, and Nick rolls his eyes. 

"I'm sorry too, lets be buddies again." They both turn to me, and I make a 'continue' motion with my hand. they both groan, but turn to each other and hug awkwardly. I smile brightly. 

"Thank you two."

Harry makes a happy noise and falls onto the couch, pulling me to him and kissing me desperately. I kiss back, laughing, before turning to Nick. 

"Now, Nick. I will talk to you but I'm not hanging out with you until you and Louis make up." 

Nick groans, and sulks around. 

I grin, and turn to Harry, who is happily nuzzling his face into my neck and pressing little kisses to it, purring as I scratch at his scalp and pet his curls. 

"I love you." he says, looking up to me with bright green eyes. I smile, feeling the corners of my eyes crinkling. 

"I love you too."

Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. I hope you guys haven't given up on this story, lol. 

as always, i hope you enjoyed :)

twitter: @SarahhSmilessss

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