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I parked the car in front of the house she had directed me to, falling apart and looking very depressing. I looked over to Elisabeth, biting my lip.

"Are you sure about this? I can see now that I may have come on creepily strong."

She nodded her head, her eyebrows pulled together as she stared at her home.

"Yes I'm sure. I've been trying to find a way out for a long time."

I got out of the car, walking up to the front door and grabbed her hand, standing in front of her just incase, and took a breath, looking at the paint chipping off of the door.

"You don't need to come with me. I only have a few things to grab." she spoke, hesitance in her voice.

I shook my head, turning to look at her, squeezing her hand.
"I need to. I don't want you to get hurt if he is here."

I bent down and kissed her briefly, before turning the door handle and pushing it open, creaking loudly like in a horror film. I wanted to roll my eyes.

Her house was dark and even more depressing than outside. I took a step into it, my eyes flickering everywhere I could see. I hoped he wouldn't be here. I didn't want to have to hurt someone.

"Hello?" I called out, only to be met with silence.

"He must not be home." whispered Elisabeth, gently pulling me towards the staircase to the right. Even though I was on alert, her hand on mine made tingles run up my arm.

"My bedroom is upstairs." she said quietly.

The wooden floor squeaked under us as we made our way to the stairs.

"Harry-" she started, just as a noise was heard.

I shushed her and stopped, being completely silent in case it wasn't just house noises.

The noise repeated, sounding a bit like a snore, but more like an animal growling type of sound.

I looked behind us, towards the living room where the noise was heard, but Elisabeth squeezed my hand, and started to tug us back to the stairs.

I looked at her, her blue eyes soft, but scared. I bit back the anger at the man for making her be scared. She shouldn't have to be scared of her own father. I wanted to storm into the living room and beat the man to a pulp, but I didn't want Elisabeth to be scared of me too, so I refrained.

"It's my Dad, he's sleeping, on the couch I think." she murmured.

I nodded and we continued up the stairs that led us to a short hall with a door on each side.

She pulled us to the one on the right, pushing open the door and I inhaled a sharp breath at her room. It was incredibly small. A mattress was on the floor, with a thin blanket and a small pillow on it. Next to that was a small pile of books, and on a pole going from one wall to the next had a few outfits on flimsy hangers on it.

"It's not much." she said, pulling her hand from mine and taking her bag from her shoulder and setting it on the floor, and took out her school books and notebook, setting them next to the mattress. I noticed the pill bottle from earlier at the bottom of the bag. I wanted to ask about it, but decided I could do that later, when we weren't here. She reached for the pile of books and pulled one of them. She stuffed it in the bag before I could see what it was, then stood up and walked over to the rack of clothes.

I followed her over, and watched as she roughly pulled the clothes from the rack and stuffed them in her bag.

When the rack was empty, her bag was barely filled, and I just wanted to reach out and hug her forever.

Cuts, Scars, and Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now