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Harry's POV!

I knew I had fucked up big time. My inner anger problems came out when she told me. Words can't even explain how pissed I was. I was mad at Nick, at Elisabeth, at the world. How could she betray me like that? Right after we had made up and were getting back to normal after she kissed him?

But I knew I had gone too far. I didn't even mean to hit her at all. I had meant to lift up her shirt to see if Nick had hurt her or caused any bruises while they had been having sex. My fists would clench just at the thought, but my guilt and self-hatred over my hurting her would overpower the anger, and I would be left feeling just, well, like a pile of shit.

My emotions were just becoming too much, and I had cried.

I had cried a lot.

I cried like a pathetic little baby while Louis pulled me away from her, while the boys yelled at me, while she was on her way to the hospital, while Liam told the doctor she had fallen down the stairs, while they were helping her, and as I sat here in the flat with Louis, my cries were reduced to pathetic hiccups. I was pathetic. I am pathetic.

I am a coward and a jerk. I had hurt the girl I love, and I would never forgive myself for it. I had thought the worst thing I had done was slap her in that alley. But no. This was way worse.

Louis' arms were wrapped around me, and his shirt was soaked while he played with my hair and tried to calm down.

"She's okay. You're okay, Haz. Everything is going to be okay." he soothed. I looked up to him, my eyes itchy and red. I probably looked so stupid in front of my best friend, with snot and tears covering my face. But I didn't care. All I care about right now is Elisabeth.

"It's not okay, Lou. I messed everything up and she hates me." I spoke.

Louis shushed me and kissed my forehead. I wondered why he was such a wonderful friend to me while everyone else was turning their backs and grimacing at me. Why does he always have to be here for me? Why doesn't he hate me?

"She doesn't hate you. She loves you. It might take a while to get her back, but everything will be fine, okay? Just promise me you wont start to drink again, please. I don't think I can handle you pushing me away anymore."

I sniffled and buried my face in his neck. "I promise, Lou. thank you for always being there for me, even when I've done nothing to deserve you."

He huffed out a small laugh and rubbed my back. "I'll always be there for you H. We have been best mates forever and nothing will change that."

I sighed and slacked in his arms, Not even caring about anything anymore. I cleared my mind of all thoughts and closed my eyes.

"Love you." I whispered, and I didn't need to look up to know he was smiling. I rarely told him that.

"Love you too Harry. Love you too."


"-and Nick changed his number then disappeared. He's not at his flat and from the looks of the flat he's fled off to somewhere."

I nodded and took another sip of the Vodka I was drinking. I wasn't exactly braking my promise to Louis, since I wasn't drunk. I was just a bit tipsy, that's all.

"H-how is she?" I croaked.

Everyone in the room visibly tensed. Louis walked into the room from the kitchen, obviously curious what they were going to say. It had been eight hours since she was admitted to the hospital and I knew she wasn't fine when the boys came back to me and Louis without her.

"Well," Liam started, looking at me carefully, "she has four broken ribs, severe bruises, a concussion, and her right arm is fractured. They are keeping her overnight because she isn't in any state to go anywhere until tomorrow." he winced after he said his small speech, realizing how bad all of it was.

I winced, and felt more pathetic tears springing to my eyes. I let them fall, not even caring anymore.

Liam walked out of the room with a blank face, and I knew he was disappointed in me. He hadn't trained me as a vampire to be violent to the people I love. He literally looked like he wanted to kick me out as he walked away, and Niall followed him, probably to comfort him.

Zayn sat down next to me and rubbed my back as Louis went back in the kitchen to continue making dinner.

"When she woke up she kept on muttering your name. Then when she saw us she asked where Nick was first, but then she shook her head and kept asking for you. She got so out of control, throwing her arms everywhere cause we wouldn't answer where you were. They ended up drugging her to sleep. She chanted your name until she drifted off."

I swallowed the lump in my throat and looked into his comforting brown eyes. "I-Is Liam mad?"

Zayn nodded. "Yeah, but he'll get over it. He always does."

I sighed and took a breath. Maybe she doesn't hate me? I mean, she did ask for me. Frantically, with what Zayn told me.

What he said next had my heart swelling.

"We are postponing our Washington trip two weeks. That should be enough time for you and Elisabeth to set everything straight." Zayn said gently.

Then I was crying again and pulling Zayn into a hug. Even after I hurt the girl who I love, which is illegal, my boys still stuck with me and put off a very important trip just so that they can try to make me happy again.

Cuts, Scars, and Harry StylesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora