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"Elisabeth!" I hear Liam call.

I yell a distracted "What?" back, continuing to play Mario Carts with Niall and Louis.

"Can you come here?" he yelled and I groaned, pausing the game and rolling my eyes at Niall and Louis.

I make my way into the kitchen and slump against the fridge, watching him make dinner.

"Yes?" I ask impatiently.

He smiled and glanced at me, probably noticing I really did not want to do anything other than win that damn race.

"Can you go get Harry and Zayn? I need to talk to them."

I sighed and walked away, running down the hall and opening the door to each room to look for them.

Finally I made it into a room that looked out to be some kind of office.

Zayn was sitting at a computer, on a desk full of papers, talking to Harry who was sitting on the desk.

They stopped talking and looked at me in question.

"Liam wants you guys." I said, smiling at them and they groaned, standing up. I laughed while they walked out of the room and followed them down the hall.

I separated from them and walked back to the living room, only to find the race over and that Niall and Louis had unpaused it to win.

I gasped. "Hey!" I yelled, surging forward and jumping onto the two boys. We wrestled for a good few minutes, laughing too much and yelling nonsense.

We ended up in a panting mess on the floor. I was sat on Niall's stomach, trying to slap him, but he had a grip on my wrists, and Louis was a foot away, laughing so much his face was red.


We both looked up at Harry, who was eyeing me and Niall with jealous eyes. While Niall was distracted, I got my wrists free and smacked his face, not too hard, but enough to make him squawk and start to wrestle me again as we both laughed too loud.

"Hey, guys,"

We looked back up at Harry again.

"Liam says we need to start packing, since we are leaving for Washington the day after tomorrow."

I pouted, making my eyes big and poking out my bottom lip.

"But, I wanted to play more Mario Cart." I said in a small voice, and I heard a snicker below me. I pinched Nialls nipple, causing him to yelp and I laughed again, and soon we were wrestling again.

Niall ended up above me, pinning me down.

"Ah-ha!" he said, smirking evilly.

Suddenly he leaned forward and licked a long wet strip my cheek, causing me to gasp.

"Ewwww!" I yelled, kicking my legs but laughing again.

"Guys, stop." Harry said, and I looked up to find him and Louis talking but the jealousy was even more noticeable in his eyes and suddenly an idea popped in my head.

I leaned up, craning my neck, and gave Niall a huge wet kiss on the cheek.

It was Niall's turn to gasp and he wiped his face.

"Gross! I have the cooties!" he cried, pretending to puke on the floor next to us.

I laughed until my stomach hurt until finally Niall let me go and we both stood up, shoving each other into the kitchen, past Harry and Louis.

"Harry's so jealous!" he stage whispered to me when we were in the kitchen, and I nodded, smiling at him. I was going to reply, when the doorbell's shrill sound rang through the flat.

Cuts, Scars, and Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now