52 / Dilate

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Black circles,
You spin like a record
On it.

The dark is getting bigger,
I'm hanging with the shadows-
They hold onto my eyelashes,
While my colors disappear.

Wonder what they know,
Wonder what they've heard,
Wonder who to be
I'll dance between the chandeliers
And the hard drugs.

Your pupils
Your love
But solid on the outside,
At least.

The void wants me,
I see everything in a gloss-
Shines like diamonds.
She says I'm not what she wants,
She says I'm not what she wants,
She's supposed to want me.
He says I make him look stupid,
He says I hurt his reputation,
He's supposed to stay quiet.

Dirt roads on DayQuil and nicotine,
Guilt screams through my ribcage,
Empty hallways, no light.

Wish they'd quit staring,
Wish the talk would stop.
Wish I could take a gun,
Let my body drop.

Darkness hides out in my eyes,
And as the black
Got a higher diameter,
It swallowed me whole-
Space has all the room to breathe,
So why do I write pain
In bullets I can't shoot,
And the lights keep swinging-
Shooting stars.
The drank keep spilling-
Moving cars,
All I see when I try to sleep,
Let me crash.

I can be what you really need
If my eyes can shapeshift, too.
- (m.m)

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