3 / Trapped

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Concrete and stars,
I waited for you,
But you never came-
So the carbon dioxide left me hollow,
I'm choking on the moondust.

Empty white hallways,
The holes in the door tell me I'm all the fuck alone,
Fluorescent flashes of misery.
Metal secrets and checkered sickness,
Please tell me there's an end to this filler color.
Pigment, resin, solvent and additives-
Ive been memorizing.

This fucker went on lockdown a long time ago,
And not even the railings
Can keep me up.

Distance is an illusion,
It keeps furthering.
Somebody please explain what's morphing before me,
I'll lose myself before I die here,
The morgue is not my heaven.
If only I could get out of this hallway...

Stars could hang,
But they couldn't light the fact
That I strung them
And made a noose,
Waiting for the supernova-
Won't this galaxy look better
Pigment, resin, solvent and additives?
Boy, have I got the nightmare for you..

Curtains to cover the water,
They keep splashing me
In repetition.
You change them and I'm not satisfied,
You take it down,
I'm still not satisfied.
I soak it in blood and watch the color lose its pigment-
God what is it with this fucking watered down taste in my mouth,
It's like my eyes have tastebuds
And my body could puke up
Maybe then, I'll like the shower curtains.

My ribs glow as they threaten to break the surface of translucent skin,
Ropes of paper around my wrists
Label me and watch, all horrified, as I cut the shit with my teeth-
Sharpened by the need,
Sharpened by the obsession.

Everything is dizzying,
The exit sign keeps running from me-
And I don't know what it thinks of me,
I don't know what it's afraid of-
It's seen so much worse,
Hasn't it?
- (m.m)

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