24 / Reflections Speak Louder

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And I could hide you from it,
Cover your eyes with stars
So the white leaks between your lashes
Dizzying you,
But hey, the view is trippy
And all is well.

I could speak in tongues of escape,
But you break me like a display case
And you'll see the roots,
My veins crawling in all directions-
I am a monster,
I am what they create,
In a place you know little of.
You'll see how sharp of a color I can be-
Sharper than those eyes you keep fixated.
Cut me open with that stare,
We're just animals and demons,
Dancing in the fever.

You don't have to see what's spinning inside of me,
Just watch me stumble,
And keep your pretty mouth quiet.
It's easy, you'll learn quick-
Seems they've got it down.
Stitch your lips, I'll drill the holes,
Promise me you're ready to sell it off,
Because you won't be able to say no when I'm done with you.

I could deny you of who I am,
But I see your curiosity fan out,
You want the deep end
But summer doesn't last forever,
And we're all searching for something we don't have.
I am a place that traps you,
And it'll love you
Or chew you up and spit you out.
Choose wisely-
I folded cards for you,
But don't be so sure the mirrors do the same.

You could worship me,
Fill in the blanks
To grant me grace and purity,
And I could sprinkle the stardust
To make you believe it all.
But glass is my downfall,
Because you can see straight through it,
And the person in my reflection is a terrible liar.
You'll see the sickness spill from me,
But you might end up seeing two of me.
The dots will connect like the stars soon after
And it'll make sense why I kept you at bay.
⁃ (m.m)

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