The boy never thought he may end up going out with the older and just the thought of it was making him happy.

Sadly he still acted so awkwardly when talking on the phone with Yoongi and he hated it. Jimin was slowly getting used to it and he felt more comfortable with the blonde. (yes yoongi is blonde now)

Jimin never really had a proper relationship. Hell he had his first boyfriend a couple of months ago and it didn't turn out well at all. Maybe that's why he is so shy and nervous all the time.

Eventually after an hour sleep took over the boy and Jimin finally closed his eyes with mixed emotions about the next day.


"Okay listen you are starting to annoy me." Jungkook sighed and stood up from Jimin's bed walking over to him.

"Stop making those weird faces in the mirror. You look just fine I don't understand why you keep saying you are ugly when obviously you look fucking hot!" Jungkook blurted out shaking Jimin's shoulders. The older stumbled back and chuckled at his friend ruffling his hair.

"Thanks Jungkookie" Jimin smiled and looked at himself in the mirror again. He wasn't wearing nothing too special. Jungkook choose the clothes because Jimin couldn't like anything from his wardrobe.

The younger decided he should put on tight skinny jeans because that way the first thing Yoongi would notice will be Jimin's thighs and that's a plus. Then he choose a plain white T-shirt and a denim jacket. Perfect for a movie night.
(jimin's outfit from their baepsae dance practice)

"Great aren't you going to leave already? Tae is coming over tonight." Jungkook asked while laying on Jimin's bed.

"Seems like someone's getting laaaid" Jimin winked and giggled when Jungkook gave him a death glare.

"And no, I have like two hours to spare until it's time to go out."

"What, two hours? Then why the hell did you dress up and got ready so early?"

"I was scared that I might end up with nothing proper to wear." Jimin explained and Jungkook sighed again.

"You are that nervous? Calm down you are not going to marry, it's just a date."

"I'm still scared something bad might happen." Jimin answered looking down with furrowed eyebrows.

"That won't happen. Yoongi is a nice guy I know him. It's gonna be fine. Let's go play some videos games to help you relax." Jungkook offered knowing that the older would immediately agree.

Jimin nodded eagerly and smiled at his best friend, happy that he always knew how to cheer him up.


It was 9:27pm and Yoongi was finishing his work. Jin told him that he is free to go so he went in the changing room to get ready.

Hoseok was passing by the lockers to get his phone.

"Why are you leaving so early? It's not even 10 yet." He asked noticing Yoongi undressing his work clothes.

"I'm going out."

Sorry, wrong number [Yoonmin AU]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora