“She had a long day yesterday, either way, maybe she’ll get up soon!” These were the whispers that were slowly pulling me into consciousness. Why they were doing this to me, I wasn’t sure, but it sure as hell wasn’t going to get me to move from my comfy spot. They tried talking to me, singing to me, and even sitting on me to try and get me up. Then finally someone got the bright idea to rip the covers off of me, revealing my tank top and short, blue sleep shorts. I heard someone whistle and had to force myself not to smile. Finally, the lights turned on and hurt my eyes, even through my closed eyelids. I pulled the other pillow on my queen sized bed onto my face and rolled onto my back.

            “Elise, you get up right now or so help me I’ll…” Louis stuttered, trying to think of what to say.

            “You’ll what?” I mumbled through my pillow shield.

            “I’ll read everything you have in that book you write in and post all of it on the internet.”

            I pulled the pillow off of my face, “I swear, if you do that I will murder you in your sleep and not even bother to make it look like an accident.” The boys all laughed and got up off of my bed. Except for Louis. I wonder what he was doing?

            “What’s up Lou?” I asked when the other guys have left.

            “I need your help with something.” He said while sitting down on my bed.

            “And that something would be…” I said while bringing my knees up to my chest.

            “I want to ask your friend Alexa out on a date, but I need your help with that. Since you and Niall are together, maybe a double date would be better to ease some nervousness.” He explained slowly while a huge grin spread across my face. “Does that mean you’ll do it?”

            I nodded and got up and started pushing him out of my room. He asked why I was doing it, and I simply shrugged and said, “I don’t really think you want to stay in here while I shower.” A flirty smile came on his face, “I have a boyfriend Lou, remember that.” I said and shut the door.  I walked over to my bathroom and inspected myself in the mirror. Not too bad for mornings, some bags under my eyes, but nothing makeup couldn’t cover. I walked to the shower, turned the water on and stripped. I stepped into the tub, closed the curtain, and let the hot water fall over me. Once I shampooed and conditioned my hair, I started shaving my legs. I was almost finished my last leg when a knock on my bathroom door startled me and made me cut myself.

            “What?” I asked, trying to keep the pain out of my voice. I put my ankle under the water and felt a sharp pain where I cut myself.

            “Can we borrow your laptop?” Liam’s thick British accent filled the bathroom.

            “Yeah, sure, just don’t download any music or let Louis mess with it.”

            “Alright,” Liam chuckled, “I’ll keep it safe.”

            “Wait!” I yelled, poking my head out of the curtain. He raised an eyebrow as in asking a question. “Can you get me a really big Band-Aid and leave it on the counter?”

            “What’s wrong?” I put my head back in the shower and stuck my leg out to show my wound.

            “Oh my gosh!” Liam yelled. I splashed my foot back in the water and almost screamed myself. I suck my face out of the curtain, to find it inches from his worried one.

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