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"Never change."

"Alright...your soap tits and cooch are literally crammed against me."

"I know."

"...are you gonna let go anytime soon?"


Giggles erupted as Jackie spent the next few minutes attempting to pry Rose off her.

* * *

"And you're just telling me now?!"

Rose flinched at Jackie's high pitched tone and gave a sheepish shrug.

"I wanted time to mull it over on my own."

"But it was your first memory! You should have told me!"

"Well, I'm telling you now." Rose said in exasperation.

Jackie crossed her arms and sighed. "Fine."

A shadow fell over them and they looked up to see a older man holding their order of iced coffees.

After their bath/reconciliation, they'd headed out to Jackie's favourite coffee shop in the hustle and bustle of the capital's downtown. It was at the end of a street filled with vintage shops. The building it resided in was historical and had been many things throughout history before it became a humble coffee shop. Which was what made it so unique. Parts of the past was evident in the structure and decor. From the mural on the wall behind the counter, from when it was an art studio, to the glass domed ceiling from when it had a atrium, to the baby grand in the far corner from when it was a jazz bar. And many more pieces of history that scattered the place. It was fast becoming Rose's favourite as well.

Jackie was staring slack jawed up at the older man, at a complete loss for words. Rose truly couldn't blame her. He was, in a word, handsome. His brown hair was cropped short and well groomed, giving him a sophisticated air. He had a strong jaw, sharp cheekbones, a Persian nose and beautiful blue eyes. Blue eyes that seemed the kind of blue that had been haunting her thoughts for days now... His plump lips, which also held familiarity, stretched into an alluring grin that created laugh-lines around his eyes and mouth, revealing deep dimples in his cheeks. It gave him a dash of boyish charm.

In human years, he'd probably be around forty. Though his body could pass for twenty any day. It was quite a vision, moulded as it was in a simple white dress shirt and light grey slacks. She could almost count all of his eight abs that rippled under his shirt as he adjusted his posture.

"You're not our waiter!" Jackie blurted out a bit too loudly. Rose watched in fascination as her friend's face went from deathly pale, to intense beet red. She wasn't aware Jackie was capable of being flustered.

He gave a chuckle and placed their coffees down. "No. I am most certainly not. But I needed an excuse to come over and say hello."

Jackie was mute as she continued to stare up at him. His grin grew brighter before he cleared his throat and stuck out his hand. "So, this is me saying hello."

Rose was on the verge of cringing. This was becoming painful. "Hello, I'm Rose and the lovely but unusually quiet woman to your right is Jacqueline." She jumped in helpfully. He turned his bright gaze to Rose briefly and even she felt like blushing from being under the full force of his charming smile.

Queen Of Paradox (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now