Backstories and Movie Night

Start from the beginning

            “Oh my goodness.” Niall sighed from behind me. When did he get back?

            “OH OH OH OH MY GOSH!!!!” I squealed while freaking out.

            “What? Oh no, is there something in my hair?” Alexa said while grooming herself.

            “No of course not.”

            “Then what is it?”

            “We’re wearing normal clothes!!” I squealed as it took her a second to realize it. As soon as she did, we both started jumping up and down like immature kids. Which we were. Alexa and I first met on my soccer team, and since we went to different schools, we only saw each other on the field. We had meant to get together sometime or another, but it had never really worked out.

            “Woah, what is going on over here?” Louis said while interrupting our happy fest.

            “Oh sorry, completely forgot. Niall, Louis, this is Alexa. Alexa these are two of the five people who stole all of my food!” Alexa finally looked at Louis, and I swear that there was a spark going on. They just could not stop looking at each other! It was starting to get creepy.

            “Hey,” I said while waving my hand in front of her face, “Movie night. Tonight at seven. You will be there, no excuses. Got it?”

            “Yes ma’am.” She said while saluting me, “Wait, what kind of movie night?”

            I glanced over at Niall who was looking at me strangely. “Definitely boy troubles movie night.” I responded. We hugged and she went back to her cart.

            “You're welcome Louis.” I said while pushing the overflowing cart to the checkout line.

            “What do you mean?” He asked, dumbfounded.

            I rolled my eyes at him, “I saw how you were staring at Alexa, you were practically drooling.” He blushed and looked away. I paid the cashier and pushed the cart all the way to my car. Niall and Louis piled the groceries in the trunk and got in the car while I got my phone out to call Lauren.

            “Yo?” She picked up at the first ring.

            “You will not believe who I found singing in Walmart.”



            “Of all people!” Lauren laughed.

            “Hey, I’m having a movie night tonight, so come over around seven.”

            “Okie dokie. What kind is it?”

            “What situation did you ask me about earlier?”

            “I get it. Should I bring over some pizza?”

            “I will love you forever if you do!” I sang into the phone.

            “Alright, just our usual, but with six more pizzas?”

            “That’s the plan.” We said our goodbyes when I stopped at a red light.

            “Elise, what’s the problem between you and this Jamie girl?” Niall asked me from the back seat. My hands gripped tight on the steering wheel as I braced myself to tell the story again.

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