Chapter 2

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Moriarty POV

I leave (Y/n) in her cell and walk to the library in the complex.

Researching Molly Hooper was easier than I had expected. It had only taken me only five minutes.

I created a job opening in the IT department at St. Bart's and took it, knowing I could 'bump into' Molly and within a few days she would have me meet Sherlock.

" Boss?" Sebastian asked, interrupting my thoughts.

" WHAT is it Moran?" I said pausing between each word. Then I rushed my words.
" Because you have ten seconds to explain yourself."

" Shouldn't we feed the girl? She hasn't eaten for a while now." Sebastian said gently.

" I will give her food when I get back from this job interview." I impatiently stated.

I went to my bedroom and opened my wardrobe to find outfits to make me look gay. So I dressed myself in some jeans with my underwear showing a little above them, and a blue shirt.

I called a cab and was off to my job interview where I would 'convince' the interviewer to give me the job.

****Time skip brought by the gum in Moriarty's pocket ****

After the interview I went back to the complex and changed back into my suit.

I decided to go see (Y/n) again, and give her food.


Author's Note

Thanks for reading!!! Sorry this chapter is short but I am writing the next chapter right away. What do you think of the story so far? Let me know in the comments!! And don't forget to vote if you like the story!! Thanks to messjacksons / nemesis1412 (Cara) for being the best writer friend ever, she helped me to keep the fic going on.

Lots of Loves!! <3
~ Amanda

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