Chapter 48

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Your POV

"(Y/n) Its going to be alright. That was not Jim, but Richard using you to get to jim." Sebastian said to you softly

"I-is he okay?" I whispered, pained.

"He's alright. Let's get you up and to the hospital okay?" He says helping you into a wheelchair that seemed to come out of nowhere.

Next thing I knew either James or Richard entered the room.

I started to scream so he timidly backed away with my hands up.

"It's me, James."

"H-how should I know?" I started sobbing, just wanting to hug him.

"No time..." Sebastian said, wheeling me away into the ambulance he had called at some point.

With that I blacked out, I had lost too much blood.

***Timeskip brought to you by Idina Menzel, the Disney queen™***

I woke up feeling kind of woozy and when I tried to get up I felt bandaging and slight pain in my back, I opened my eyes and there was Sebastian and Sherlock and Mycroft. Sherlock looked shabbier than usual.

I got a feeling of deja vu. I can't quite remember why but I think this has happened before.

"(Y/n), it was Jim who did this to you correct? I don't trust Moran." Mycroft goads you to answer.

"Jim would've taken it slower, Mycroft." Sherlock shakes his head.
"Plus, Sebastian is very clearly telling the truth. He has lied about other things, but not about this. He's very much like a mother to (Y/n)."

"Excuse me? You know I'll blow your brains out right?" Sebastian is very offended.

"Shut up!" You yelled, much to your pain. Your throat felt raw, but you got so annoyed it was necessary.

"Why am I here, and why are they here, and not Jim?"  You asked directly to Seb.

"Moriarty is dead." Mycroft said plainly.

"Mycroft leave." You ordered, done with his big head in your way.

"Mycroft and Sherlock are the reason Jim is not here." Sebastian said calmly shoving Sherlock out the door.

"They aren't supposed to know. Okay." You nod slightly.

"And as for what happened... you lost too much blood and now you are  here in the hospital. I have to take care of you. It's my job."

"I want out of here and I want these bandages off of me." You said, feeling very uncomfortable. Not just because of the bandages.

"(Y/n) the bandages stay, but I guess I could get you out. I know how to treat wounds like yours." Seb said to your frustration. You decided to keep the bandages on until you got out of the hospital and were left alone.

***Yes another time skip in honor of the lovely human BellaBelleoftheBall***

You were being wheeled into your gray room and placed gently on the bed by Seb.

You sent him away, wanting either to be left alone or to be with James. After you've made sure it's him.

You decided to be with James and then take off the bandages unless he would help you, so you yelled out from your bed. "James! Jimmy Jim Jim Jim!" Yes you are a little impatient, but he came quickly to your call, thinking something is wrong.

"What is it? Are you okay?" He said walking in and coming to your side.

"First prove it's you." You said flatly, to hide your fear.

"I-I promised you some color in this room early on in our knowing each other. So far I haven't kept it unless you count the blood of that guy... I'll get you lots of paint." He realized that needed to be done and shot a text to someone.

"James, I thought you hated me! I thought Richard was you and I was so scared." You looked really sad.

"I'm so sorry. I was trying to get him to stop but I couldn't." He looked pained.

"What did he carve on me?" You ask slowly.

"I won't tell you. It's more emotionally scarring if you knew." He looked at the floor.

"Will you look at it now and see if it's healing or going to scar?"

"Oh it will almost definitely scar- and I don't think I should look until it's time to rebandage."

"Well I want to rebandage because these are very uncomfortable." You pleaded.

"I guess. Don't tell Moran though. He might kill me." He helps you take off your hospital gown and then the bandages.

It was worse than he thought. Richard must have practiced drawing on people because damn it was art. There was shading and... it was horrid. He had to keep reminding himself of that. The wounds were closing if not completely closed already, so the bandages were for infection. He noticed the little detail of Richard's scar on the side of his face, right next to the ear.

"That's how you can tell us apart. He has a scar on the right side of his face. It's right next to where the ear meets the face and I don't have it. It's just him. He included it in his carving."

"He carved what now? He is on my back?" You shivered, faintly feeling his knife still there.

"You're not touching my back?" You had to check and make sure.

"No, (Y/n) are you okay? Nothing is touching your back."

"It must be a phantom feeling then." You said, not knowing Jim knew just what that felt like. It brought back the feeling of stinging in his back, and he was surprised you hadn't noticed his scars before.

There was gentle knock at the door and Sebastian came in with lots of paints and brushes in some plastic grocery bags. He dropped them on the floor and you flinched.

"Put the bandages back on! You weren't supposed to take them off!" He was so angry you were expecting hands to fly so you folded in on yourself and Jim straightened up.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be so angry sounding, but you need the bandages on (Y/n). They stay on until needing changing." Seb says, feeling sympathetic.

"Did he really carve himself on my back?" You said attempting not to cry.

"(Y/n), let me get you some soup or something..." he tried to distract you, then left.

Jim was still there though and he knew you didn't want to sit still, he rebandaged your back and then helped you into the wheelchair so you could paint the room.

You painted violent looking swirls and dying flowers.

After all, those reflected you at this very moment.


Author's Note

Hello again. It's been a few days but here is this, I'm pretty proud of the length of the chapter and yeah. Imma rant a lil below this

Okay so he left the school because his parents were done dealing with him getting in trouble all the time so they basically kicked him out and so he's staying somewhere else and her came back to school. I thought I was free of him and he just came running back and made my life a mess again. Why can't he leave me alone or maybe apologize for what he did. Oh and the nerve he has. Pointing out my acne which is a huge insecurity of mine, and then calling me tOXIC like nO fUcK yOu. I left him because he pushed too many boundaries before we were even dating 24 hours and then he shows me his suicide attempt because i left to try tonight me back. He called me toxic. No. He can die. I almost was happy when he was homeless.

Okay rant over. Anyways stay strong guys, things will get better, because they have to.

Lots of Loves,


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