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Sorry I haven't updated we've been doing M-step (a big test) for two weeks and I haven't been able to write.
-Zane's POV-

"(Y/N) YOU'RE HOME!" I yelled a little to happily for my liking. I went to get up and greet her...but it wasn't her. "Zane." Katelyn said angrily, "why are you here?" She sounded ticked, "where's (Y/n)?" I asked without answering her question. "Why do you care?" She crossed her arms. It went on like that for a while, asking each other questions back and forth without answering.

~~Your POV~~

I sat on my butt in Katelyns room sending death glares at the punching bag, which I had named Amanda. Stupid Amanda.(Sorry if your names Amanda.) I got up and plopped onto the bed. "Ahhhhh!" I yelled out of boredom, "SIGH" I shouted, yes I shouted sigh instead of sighing, got a problem with it? Who am I talking to?...I do this a lot...I need help. I grabbed my phone and texted 'hottie with the body' I-I MEAN AARON! I totally didnt name him 'hottie with the body in my phone...totally. He does have a nice body...and my Irene is his hot, with those eyes and his abs and face!

(y/n)- Heya
A- hi
(Y/n)- can I come over?...plz
A- sure
(y/n)- YAY! thanks! I love you!
A- you what?
A- short like you?
(Y/n)- oh zip it Im fun sized!
A- Oh yeah? Are we gonna have some fun then? ;)
(y/n)- sure! And I think you :) not ;)!
A- yeah thats what I meant.

I put my phone away and stood up, slowly I went down the stairs making sure Vylad wasn't there. When I seen he wasnt I walked normally out the door. Going to hottie with the's home.

-Aaron's POV-
I thought I was being smooth with the whole winking face thing but I guess not. Or maybe (y/n) just way to innocent...either way me being smooth didnt go to well. I went down stairs to wait for her, once I sat down the door bell rang. I sighed and got up to answer it, "hey (Y/n)." I smiled down at her. "Hi Aaron!" She said happily I moved aside to let her then closed the door. "So what you wanna do?" She said as she sat down, "kiss you," I mumbled so she couldn't hear. "Oh! I know!" She jumped up and grabbed my hand before running back outside. "(y/n) wait I dont even have shoes on!"

"Heh, oh sorry..." she let go of my hand and allowed me to get my stuff. When I came back out she grabbed my hand again and ran off. "HURRY UP!" She yelled in a happy voice, "where are we going?" I asked as we continued to run, she only laughed. I didnt know if I should be scared or not...but I sort of was.

~~Your POV~~
It was gonna be so much fun! Although I probably should have drove instead...this is a really long walk, well run I guess. Speaking of which why am I running? I hate running. I slowed down to a walk, only then did I notice I still held Aarons hand. I blushed and quickly let go, however Aaron just smiled and took my hand again. I looked down with a bright red face, he chuckled which made me smile for some reason. We walked and walked and a little more walking.
Finally we got there.

-Zane's POV-

How did I end up here? Katelyn had her foot in my face and one of my legs held to my back, my free foot was in her face. I had lost my mask at one point and my hair was all over the place. Katelyn was missing a shoe and also had messed up hair. Both of us were trying to catch our breath, Katelyn still held a tight grip on me though. "What...What made you think...That you could just BREAK INTO MY (Y/N)S HOUSE!" She held panting, "I DIDN'T BREAK IN!...w-well I sort of...sort of did."

C If looks could kill, I'd be dead, "A$$hole," she muttered. She let go of the foot held to my back and move her other foot away from my face before standing up. "Get out," she pointed to the door, I nodded and quickly grabbed my mask putting on before leaving. "Tell (Y/n) I dropped by." I said even though I knew she wouldn't.

~Katelyns POV~~
Why dose (Y

) even hang out with that creep, he! I sighed as I fell onto her couch, I moved a box of cookies out from under me. I picked up the remote off the coffee table and watched so T.V. I fell asleep mid way though an episode. I was awoken by my phone going off I got a text from Kawaii~Chan.

K.C- Kateyln~sama promise we you wont kill anyone after what K.C tells you
K- I dont promise things like that
K.C- please
K.C-*sends photo of Aaron kissing a wide eyed (Y/n)*
K- Where are they?
K.C- heheh, Kawaii~Chan cant tell you!

K.C didnt reply, I rubbed my forehead, great just great. I called (Y/n) but she didn't answer, Im gonna kill Aaron next time I see him.
That's all for today! Next chapter there will be love bloodshed and tears! Well not really but you get the point. Have a lovely day/night!

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