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~~Abby's POV~~
       The pretty lady kept telling me stories...the first one was about the sun and the moon, and princess named Luna and a peasant named Sunny fell in love. Luna's dad however forbid their love, so one night they went out to a far away filed to just talk and be in love. A nasty old witch happened to live in the filed and heard the two laughing, she told them to be quite many time for her new born was asleep, when the baby awoke the witch turned Luna and Sunny into the Moon and the Sun, always to see each other, never to touch...(Lol it feels weird to write a story my sister told me when i was like 5).

         The other one was about a girl named Connie who lived in the woods, she would go to the edge of the woods every night to visit a sick girl who's window lead right the forest, every night Connie would go and see her, Lizzie. Lizzie happened to be awake one night a found Connie looking at her, little did Connie know she was healing Lizzie, just by going to see her. Everyone else gave up on the poor girl, Lizzie awoke because of Connie. It was a really sad story at first but it ended happily! (Another sister story!) The last one was cut short by daddy coming to get but she said if I ever come again she'd tell it to. I can't wait!

~Your POV~

       Abby had left only a few minutes ago and the first thing I did was lay down on the couch. I never thought I'd be telling my old bed time stories to a little girl, I never thought I'd have to tell a little girl to go sit in the corner. Most of all I never thought Dante would kiss me like that... that dummy. OH another thing Travis in my bush, and the Laurence thing...that happened. Wow...what a day. I sighed and closed my eyes, 'T.V I still need to get my T.V...GHA why can't I adult by myself...I shouldn't need someone to go with me...but then I'd by pointless as seen on T.V things...THAT I CAN'T SEE ON A T.V CAUSE I DON'T HAVE ONE!! maybe i should've let Laurence by me a new T.V...would it be rude to ask him...yeah probably'

       I opened my eyes and sat up, "Blah," I stood and lazily walked to my kitchen. "Food, please be in here." I opened the refrigerator and seen a few old apples, yogurt, milk, water bottles, and cheese. Nope. I closed the refrigerator and opened a cupboard, oatmeal, empty boxes of COOKIES, cereal, mixes for  other food. Nope. That means even more shopping...WHY WORLD WHY?! "OK (Y/n), you got this, just go to the store gosh-darn-it! I sighed once more and went to grab my shoes and coat. After getting ready to leave I headed to the door, then got to my car and hopped in..."OH FIDDLE FUDGE NUGGETS!! DARN PIE IN A PAN!! MOTHER OF APPLES!! I FORGOT MY KEYS!!"

        I got out of my car and went back to my house...the doors locked...OH KETCHUP ON A MUSHROOM!! FLIPPING ORANGE JUICE IN CEREAL!! I put my head on the door and sat there for a moment. "Why am I so stupid?" I hit my head on the door, "Um...are you OK?" I hear a familiar voice behind me, I turn to see Zane. "Hey," I rub my forehead where I had hit, "yeah, I'm OK, just forgot my keys inside my now locked house." I swear I heard him sinker, "you" he asked, "and how would you help me, exactly?  Do you just know how to break into my house?" I raised an eyebrow, "eheheh, that's cute, I know how to pick a lock."  He said proudly, "why do you know that?" I asked questioningly, "uh..." He no longer sounded proud, "I've been stuck in a, uh, janitors closet, um, many times." 

       I giggled a little, "many times?" My laughing got louder, "and here I was thinking you were the big bad bully who did that to people, not the one people did it to." He let out a low growl, "sh-shut up," I smiled a big, goofy smile, "well then, break into my house, Zane." I said move my arms to point to the door, "my pleasure." He walked over to the door and pulled something out of his pocket and within seconds my door was open. "Should I be worried about you breaking into my house now?"      

       His only response was a laugh, "that's not very comforting," I say walking into my house and grabbing my keys off the table by my door, "oh...I forgot my wallet too." I saw as i notice it next to my keys. "Forget anything else?" I heard Zane ask, "Ha. Ha...I hope not."  I walk back out and go to my car again, "thanks Zane, don't go breaking into my house though!" I closed the door and started driving away. 


       I was at best buy looking at the T.Vs hmm good sized cheep T.V or HUGE way overpriced T.V? I was weighing my options, I stood in front of the huge T.V listing the pros and cons of this one.



2.Big Screen 

3. T.V


1. money

2.might not fit

3. my lord that price!

       hm,I think I should get it,yeah, that's the smart option, I nodded confident in my choice. Then someone bumped into me, making me fall, and hit the T.V. I try to get my balance, I didn't, I fell down and right after me came the huge T.V. This No friends were there to save me.


HIYA LOVELIES!! Don't you love that reader~Chan always has T.Vs falling almost on top of her? Anyway i hope you enjoyed the chapter and have an amazing day/night. BYE MY LOVELIES!! <3

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