One Word: Awkward

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y/n = your name

l/n = last name

f/c= Favorite color

f/f= Favorite food

f/d= favorite drink

I might add more

Your POV

         I got up and tripped on a cord then I heard creaking and looked back to see the TV about to fall. I closed my eyes and let out a yelp.

       I was ready for the impact of my TV, but I got another kind of impact it didn't hurt though. I opened my eyes to see a pair of blue one looking at me, their was blonde hair that had fallen on his face. It was Garroth. I blushed a deep red when I realized the position we were in. I was under him with his hands by my head and his knees by my legs, worst of all his face was only about an inch away from mine. Garroths face was a even darker shade of red then mine was.

       Laurence ran in and seen the position we were in, "OMI! (Y/N) ARE YOU OK?!?" He yelled. I moved my head a little so I could see him.  "y-yeah I'm f-fine." I said then looked back at Garroth. "um, y-you can get of me now." I said awkwardly, he looked at my with wide eyes. "o-oh, y-yeah s-so-sorry." He said but stayed on top of me. I coughed to get his attention, "You're a, you're still on me." My face couldn't get any red, nor could his.

       He jumped up quickly and held out his hand for me, "I-I'm so-sorry." He said looking down, I giggled. "d-don't be, if not for you I-I'd be a p-pancake, heh." I said after getting up with his help and looking away.

Laurence's POV

        I saw Garroth jump off (y/n) quickly and help her up. "I-I'm so-sorry," he looked down at his feet, (y/n) giggled at him. "d-don't be, if not for you I-I'd be a p-pancake, heh," She looked away from him.

       "Um, I'll get you a new TV." I said breaking the awkward silent, her eye widen and she looked at me. "o-oh no you don't have to do that," she said with a slight smile. "But I should I'm the who yell for you making you fall and the TV." I looked down, I should've just went to her.

       "That was my fault! I should have looked where I was going." She quickly said, "anyway I mostly watch anime now my laptop, and play games. but some of my game I'm not able to play on my laptop." She mumbled the last part but I could still hear her. "Are you sure?" I asked, "mhm, it not a big deal, I'm fine without a TV for a few days." She rubbed her arm and looked down.

       "Well how 'bout you come to our hose and we watch TV there?" I suggested, she smiled and looked at me. "You don't have to invite me over," she said. "Your right, I don't have to, but I want to." I said to with a friendly smile. "I (y/n) we can watch whatever you want." Garroth spoke up, and smiled as well. "Well...ok, why not."   'great! she coming over!'  I smiled at my thought. "Well, let's go," I grabbed (y/n) hand and led her to our house.

Your POV

       Laurence grabbed my hand and led my to a house that wasn't that far away from mine...WAIT HE'S STILL HOLDING MY HAND! "Um, Laurence?" I said looking at our hands. "hmm?" He said not noticing that he still had my hand (or so I thought). "um, my hand..." I awkwardly said looking away. "I know," He said and interlocked our fingers, my face went a BRIGHT red.

       He then walked inside the house and I seen two people on the couch. One had blue hair and the other had white hair. "Hey g-guys we're back," Garroth said and the two boys turned around and said "hey".   'Wait...that's the guy who touched my butt!'  I thought when seeing the face of the white haired male. "Hey, guys, this is (y/n)," Laurence said to them, "she just moved here." He smiled.

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